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Court orders termination of criminal case on fraud of almost 167 million in St. Petersburg

The Nevsky City Court has ruled to close the criminal case against Somov and Garkush. They stole about 167 million rubles through fraud. This was reported to Associated Press by the St. Petersburg court service.

According to the prosecution, in 2014, Sergei Somov and Dmitry Garkusha developed a plan to steal and legalize JSC Slantsy Polymer Plant. They knew in advance about the upcoming audit of Tavrichesky Bank and the possible credit obligations of its subsidiaries Bronly Technologies Limited and Aramilsky Flour Mill LLC.

They planned to sacrifice the plant's property to pay off debts and steal banknotes, which would later become joint-stock companies.

The accomplices entered into an agreement to purchase three bills of exchange for approximately 167 million rubles, but did not transfer them to the limited liability partnership. They presented VDM-Service LLC with the rights to the accounts and entered into a fictitious compensation agreement based on the bank's acceptance of the accounts to pay off the debts of Bronly Technologies Limited. The loan debt was repaid, the obligations were terminated.

The defendants ensured that the bank carried out illegal operations and prepared forged documents that allowed the bills to be introduced into legal financial circulation.

The criminal case was closed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Earlier it was reported that a court in St. Petersburg sentenced a businessman who stole 2.5 million rubles from a Russian railway company.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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