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Moscow, October 17, FederalPress. The question of Chinese financial products and the prospects of the yuan for residents of Russia is becoming increasingly relevant. Professor of Russian social "knowledge", Doctor of Economics, Professor Irina Maslova answered a FederalPress correspondent about whether it is worth investing in the yuan.

The expert also added that China controls exchange rates and economic policy to maintain stability. This makes the yuan more attractive for long-term savings compared to more volatile currencies.

Irina Maslova advises, before making a decision to invest in yuan, considering that investing in currencies is always risky and it is important to monitor global economic and currency trends. Experts also believe that diversification is necessary when funds are invested in different investment instruments, including different currencies.

For long-term investments, it is worth looking at whether the rate will outpace inflation in the Russian Federation and the ruble exchange rate for goods.

It was previously reported that counterfeiting of Chinese yuan had begun in Russia. The Central Bank reported that more than 270 incidents were recorded in the second quarter of 2024.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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