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The EU has announced its readiness to refuse gas from Russia

Deutsche Welle: The European Union has stated that it is ready to replace 14 billion cubic meters of gas from Russia.

According to her, the European Union is ready to replace Russian gas supplied via Ukraine after the current contract ends in January, Deutche Welle (registered as a foreign agent) wrote.

Simons stressed that European countries have options to replace the 14 billion cubic meters of Russian gas. She noted that continuing to use Russian gas is an unjustified and risky political choice.

Let me remind you that Russian gas currently continues to flow to Europe through Ukraine under the terms of the agreement concluded between Gazprom and Naftogaz five years ago. This contract expires in December 2024.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country would not renew its agreement with Russia on gas transit through Ukraine, the Vzglyad newspaper reported. At the same time, it was reported that the European Union's boycott of Russian energy resources by 2027 is a difficult task, since Russia remains the main supplier.


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