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The safest products in Yugra have been named based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections

YUGRA, October 17, Federal Press. In the third quarter of 2024, Rospotrebnadzor in Yugra conducted 107 inspections and 319 on-site inspections of food production facilities. In total, inspectors selected more than 4,000 tons of goods. FederalPress reviewed the unfavorable findings.

The inspectors found the most violations in bakery products (8.5%), milk and dairy products (5.7%), meat and meat products (5.1%). In addition, great caution is required when choosing poultry and eggs (3.9% below the norm) and prepared foods (3.5%), and qualitative differences (2.1-3%) were found in drinks and bread.

The safest food for Yugra residents can be considered fish, vegetables and water. In this sector, less than 1% of low-quality products were found.

As a result of the investigation, the supervisory authority confiscated more than 1.5 tons of food products that were in circulation and brought 107 administrative claims against the guilty parties. And fines were imposed on entrepreneurs who allowed the release of low-quality products. The total amount was 2 million 135 thousand rubles.

Earlier we wrote that in the Tyumen region "Matryoshka" prices for eggs fell.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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