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Monuments without documentation: Working with cultural heritage sites, systemic problems were identified in Bugulma.

In Tatarstan, a criminal case was opened under Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, related to the violation of the procedure for performing work related to the cultural heritage of the "Building of the Bugulma Regional Committee of the RCP(b) of 1918", located in Bugulma in the Lenin area. However, when the Investigative Committee was informed when and under what circumstances the work, which is the subject of the criminal investigation, began, and what exactly the alleged violations were, a one-sentence response was given.

The Republican Committee for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage provided the following additional information:

— As part of the prosecutor's inspection, commission employees were involved to establish whether there were any violations at the facility during repair and restoration work. During the investigation, it was discovered that work at the facility was carried out without original permits. The issues of further consideration of the case are under the jurisdiction of law enforcement agencies.

The committee also found that the violations had been committed since the 2010s, which is quite a long time ago.

The Bugulma City Executive Committee refused to give any comments regarding the reconstruction of the historic building, not taking into account the possibility of providing information to the owners of the building. However, there are grounds to believe that the municipality is its owner. On the public cadastral map, the land on which it is located is marked as "property of a state corporation", and the building itself is completely absent.

According to information posted on the state procurement website, the major repairs of the cultural heritage site were carried out under the supervision of the standard-bearer based on an electronic auction held in February 2017. In addition to the Bugulma ambulance station, the facility, worth 103.9 million rubles, included 13 more medical institutions. This work was financed from the republican budget.

A contract worth $103.4 million was signed with Sayar LLC in April 2017. In December 2017, a contract was signed under which 10.5 million rubles were paid, in particular, for work at the Bugulminskaya SMP station.

Realnoe Vremya sent a request to Sayar LLC about why written permission was not received for work on the site, which has been under state protection since 1959. The responses will be published as they are received.

Meanwhile, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan considered a case on issues related to the development of a very permitting document for another cultural heritage site of the same name in Bugulma, located at a different address on Musa Jalil Street (4 years old) also received state protection at the same time as the building erected on the street 65 years ago. Lenin.

In 2017, Kazan-based Dominanta LLC filed a claim with the Arbitration Court of Tatarstan demanding that IP Asiya Denisova and IP Vadim Denisov pay a debt of 254,000 rubles with interest. According to the case materials, in 2014, IP Denisova entered into a contract with Dominanta for the development of scientific and design documentation for the cultural heritage site "Building of the Bugulma District Committee of the RCP in 1918 (b)". It is located on the corner of Sovetskaya and Jalil streets and costs 254,000 rubles.

Payment was made as the work was completed, but it was established that the documents developed by the plaintiff at the time of final payment had no legal force. This is due to the fact that at the time of signing the contract, Dominanta LLC did not have a license to carry out activities related to the restoration of cultural values. And while the work was in progress, IP Denisova donated the building to IP Denisov, so there were two defendants in the case.

The Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan partially satisfied the claims of Dominanta. The debt amounting to 177.7 thousand rubles and almost 5 thousand rubles in interest was collected from the individual entrepreneur Denisova in favor of the plaintiff. The absence of a license to engage in activity does not deprive it of legal force." This determination was supported by the Appellate and Cassation Courts.

After this, Dominanta LLC transferred to Denisova the right to demand the amount of 193.5 thousand rubles awarded to him under the distribution agreement in favor of the individual Airat Galimullin. Denisova tried to have the transaction declared invalid through the court, but her claim was rejected.

Realnoe Vremya was unable to find any public information about whether repairs were carried out in this building and whether permits were obtained. A request about this was sent to IP Denisova, the answer will be published upon receipt.

It is worth adding that these two buildings, which have been at the center of judicial and criminal scandals, have a long history.

"This building was built in the 1840s and 1850s to house the County Lords' Council and County Justices of the Peace." The Republican Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage told Realnoe Vremya about cultural and historical monuments. Criminal Investigation Center. — The Extraordinary Executive Committee of the Bugulma City Council, elected on February 22, 1918, organized elections of representatives to the County Council in the regional volosts and the 1st Regional Congress of Soviets consisting of workers, peasants, and military representatives. , opened in this building on March 11, 1918.

According to the committee, the council's agenda included the organization of local Soviet power, the creation of Red Army detachments, and the reorganization of food institutions in the districts and volosts. From mid-February to early May 1918, the headquarters of the Samara Red Guard detachment was located in the same building. Units of the Samara Red Guard played an important role in establishing and strengthening Soviet power in the city and Bugulma district, and in suppressing counterrevolutionary uprisings by officers. It is part of the 129th infantry reserve regiment.

"The building is an example of a municipal public building, its façade is made in the eclectic style of classicism," the OKN committee explained. "It belongs to the type of public buildings for administrative and judicial purposes of the late 19th century and is a one-story brick building with a high spire. The building's façade is reinforced with two wide sides and one central narrow projection. Initially, the building had a semi-underground light floor, but is now buried deep in the ground.

According to the committee, in 1968 a memorial plaque was installed on this building: “Here on March 11, 1918, the 1st Bugulma District Congress of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies was held”, “Here in mid-February and early May 1918, the headquarters of the Samara detachment of the Red Guard was located”.

The building owned by I. P. Denisov is the house of the Bugulma merchant Shakir Khakimov, built in the 19th - early 20th centuries. The building is two-story, the lower one is made of brick, the upper one is made of a wooden frame. The main design element of the facade of Sovetskaya Street is the mezzanine. The building is a monument of residential architecture in the provincial Art Nouveau style.

On October 22, 1918, a communist club was opened in Khakimov's mansion, which became the center of political, educational and enlightening activities of the RCP(b) committee. From mid-October 1918 to early January 1919, the newspaper's editorial office was located here. The Political Department of the 5th Army of the "Civil War", the Bugulma Committee of the RCP(b) and the Executive Committee of the "Soviet Republic" were located here.

By decision of the city council in 1968, a memorial plaque was installed on the house with the following inscription: “This is a communist club in the city of Bugulma.”

Source: Реальное времяРеальное время

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