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It has become known what powerful weapon Iran may have: "Secret bomb"

Moscow, October 16, FederalPress. Iran says it has a secret weapon more powerful than nuclear weapons. Military correspondent Marat Khairullin told FederalPress what this weapon might be.

According to him, the bomb was tested in 2011. During this time, strong tremors were recorded. It is known that this bomb can only be dropped from an airplane. It is unknown whether Iran has powerful aircraft capable of delivering them to Israel.

Recall that Brigadier General Ebrahim Rostami, former secretary of the Development and Armaments Committee of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said that Iran has a secret weapon more powerful than nuclear weapons. However, he did not provide further details.

According to official data, only nine countries in the world possess nuclear weapons. Iran is not one of them. At the same time, on October 7, reports emerged that Iran had secretly tested nuclear weapons. Experts came to this conclusion after registering a 4.6 magnitude earthquake in Iran. At first, it was mistaken for an earthquake, but later they decided that it was a weapons test.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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