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"The key thing for Russia is family and children." Violators will pay up to five million rubles for promoting "childfree"

The draft was presented by legislators led by the speakers of both chambers. As the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized, this is specifically about banning the propaganda of the ideology of denying childbearing. According to him, a family's decision not to have children is not subject to the law. The purpose of this change is "to stop destructive content that can influence the decision to have children." "We continue to form a unified legal field for the protection of children, family and traditional values," Volodin said.

After the amendment is adopted, a ban on propaganda via the media, the Internet, advertising and films will be introduced (distribution certificates will not be issued for such films). Violators face the same administrative penalties as for LGBT propaganda (the organization is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation) and gender reassignment. If the action is held publicly and is aimed at children and teenagers, citizens will be fined up to 400,000 rubles, and civil servants - up to 800,000 rubles. The maximum sanctions are provided for legal entities (a fine of up to 5 million rubles). In addition to fines, foreigners can also be deported.

One of the authors, member of the State Duma Committee on Education Elvira Aitkulova, cited information that about 400 similar groups with an audience of 1.5 million people, a third of whom are minors, have been discovered on the Internet. "Every day they hear that children are evil creatures," the deputy said. According to her, the VTsIOM survey conducted on the eve of Children's Day yielded depressing results. "Among respondents in the age group born after 2001, every tenth respondent is focused on one child, and a fifth on childless families - that's 22%," Aitkulova explained.

Anton Gorelkin, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, acknowledged that the birth rate problem would not be magically solved if such propaganda were banned. However, he believes that, in his words, it cannot be denied that Russia's opponents are using it to strategically weaken the country.

In the US, more than half of young people adhere to this ideology, which raises questions about the future of the country, said Sergei Mironov, leader of the SRZP.

At the same time, the State Duma denied rumors that the idea of ​​introducing a tax on childlessness is being developed at the same time. Vyacheslav Volodin called on deputies not to frighten society with such erroneous ideas.

— Childfree is a full-fledged ideology with established tools and clear goals. The most important thing is to ensure a reduction in the population of Russia in the future. However, this idea has no place in our country. We want our people to become larger and stronger.

The idea of ​​giving up on having a child without a good reason simply because one does not want to is blasphemous. Many people who consider themselves childless do not even think about the choices they make every day and why. Once this “lifestyle” was made fashionable in an attractive glossy package, the ideology was simply absorbed.

I want to emphasize this. The danger is not in childless people, but in the pressure that these ideologies exert on the consciousness of many people, especially young people.

The core values ​​of our nation are family and children. Their support will be incomplete without protection from the harmful propaganda of children's freedom.

Let me remind you of the words of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, spoken by him at a meeting of the State Duma on May 5, 1908: These words are more relevant than ever. "Like soil, like fertilizer for the growth of other, stronger people and for the growth of a stronger nation." The law on free children is exactly what it is about: the protection of our nation.

"We live in the information age, and sometimes it is easy to succumb to the influence of information transmitted from sources important to us. This is especially dangerous for children and teenagers who want to be fashionable. Trends are an important part of understanding one's place in the world. Of course, it is very important to prevent the influence of destructive ideologies that lead to antisocial behavior. Propaganda against childbearing is, first of all, a measure to preserve the psychological health of the nation. "We need to form the right worldview in the younger generation."

"The ideology of childlessness propaganda is conveniently integrated into all the alien concepts that are now being actively promoted in the West. Of course, this contradicts the original Russian family values, and in this sense, naturally, advertising of this strange phenomenon should be legally limited. In Russia.

On the other hand, most Russians may refuse to have children for financial reasons. I am sure that if young families are provided with housing and well-paid jobs, the population problem will solve itself."

Source: Российская Газета: издание Правительства РФРоссийская Газета: издание Правительства РФ

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