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Nizhny Novgorod residents were told why pedophiles rape children and who is at risk

They touched, raped and masturbated children in the bushes. Headlines containing such words began to appear more often in the Nizhny Novgorod news. NewsNN found out what motivates pedophiles, how they ensure the safety of children and how victims can deliberately denigrate their abusers.

It is difficult to immediately understand that a specific person can be a pedophile. In most cases, these people have their own families, children, wives and relationships with older women. At the same time, most sexual crimes against children are committed by relatives, sexual psychologist Maria Smolina told NewsNN. "We think that pedophiles are scary people in black coats in the park. However, in 80% of cases, these are family members or people close to the child. We need to realize this, because we scare our children because of their evil uncles, but we do not teach them to respect personal boundaries within the family," she explained.

According to Smolina, adults are drawn to children because of psychosexual development disorders. Usually, pedophiles are infantile and immature people. "Their sexual preferences are childish. Moreover, such people easily find a common language with children," the psychologist added. Let's remember how a kindergarten teacher was sent to prison for 13 years for touching boys' intimate parts under blankets during quiet times for two and a half years.

Children need to be brought up with respect for their boundaries. Understand that his body cannot be violated by his relatives or loved ones. He explains that there is a place where no one can touch him.

A lawyer from Nizhny Novgorod, Olesya Ermolaeva, wrote on social media about a pedophile who had been raping girls aged 8 to 12 for several years and buying them trinkets in exchange. A later search revealed files containing child pornography and icons with images of children instead of faces. The man claimed that he loved his victims like his own children and spoiled them because they were not from wealthy families.

If a child does not communicate with their parents and is very ashamed, they may become afraid. "We have adult secrets. We are close." Therefore, it is important to communicate with children and be interested in their lives. This will reduce the likelihood of such a situation.

Smolina does not rule out that sexual and perverted attraction to children in adults may arise due to physical or sexual abuse that pedophiles were subjected to in childhood. In most cases, such people come from destructive families. Sexologists believe that pedophilia is a syndrome. It can appear independently or in combination with other mental disorders. This refers to a disorder of desire. "Some pedophiles are women, but in much smaller numbers. Although sexual deviations are considered a male sphere, there is also a certain percentage of female pedophiles. In our culture, women exist, but in such crimes they are most often invisible," the NewsNN interlocutor assures. In judicial practice, there are cases when criminals try to appear crazy in order to go to a psychiatric hospital for treatment instead of prison. However, such decisions are made on the basis of an examination. Therefore, "pretending to be sick" is almost impossible. One of the pedophiles, Nizhny Novgorod resident Maxim Rysev, was found insane, and in October 2023, he was seen with a 10-year-old girl in the hallway of the dormitory where he lived at the time. This man brought the autistic child to his home and molested him for four hours. “Twelve-year-old girls are clearly helpless. The so-called “age insanity” is the inability to understand oneself and the legal nature of the actions committed against oneself. The same applies to cases of developmental delay in your child. Sexual acts with children under 12 are always violence,” explains Ermolaeva’s lawyer.

The pedophile was later identified and the girl was found hidden on a fold-out couch. She was stripped and tied up. The court found Rysev insane and sent him for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital. “Anyone who understands what they are doing and explains their actions is sane. But all this is decided by a psychiatrist. But in most cases, pedophiles can be called sane if they are no longer diagnosed,” said psychologist Smolina. One reason why child abuse by family members can continue for so long is a lack of trust in the child. NewsNN reported that one mother did not want to believe that her partner was raping her daughters, so she propped the door with a chair to see if the man entered her children’s room at night.

Smolina interprets the mother's "blinding" behavior as an attempt to "stick her head in the sand" and not believe that her chosen one can harm the child. "Sometimes there may be a selfish interest, for example, if this person is raising a family. Therefore, in order to survive this [disgusting situation], the mother begins to split reality and not see what is really visible. Even if the child speaks frankly about everything," says the sex psychologist. Lawyer Anastasia Kerzhakova explained to NewsNN that although their testimony is one of the pieces of evidence in this category of criminal cases, it also happens that children, for one reason or another, resort to violence.

We need to talk to our children. WHO recommends that by the age of five, everyone should know the medical names of their genitals. When a child of this type can say without shame, "Mom, my uncle showed me his penis," such children very rarely become victims of pedophiles. Because the perpetrators know that their actions will be heard.

Source: - - 1MI

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