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From canned goods to cookies: what products are sent to the SVO zone from Moscow

Moscow, October 14, 2024, 13:41 — IA Regnum. Many capitalists send food to special military operations zones. Parcels for fighters are collected by both small shops and large shopping centers. Even people whose specialty is not food, but trade in building materials, send hundreds of boxes of dry rations to the SVO zone.

A full list of food products prepared by the volunteer center will help entrepreneurs send their parcels. One of the key requirements for these parcels is the ability to store food products for a long time in a variety of conditions. In most cases, capital entrepreneurs collect canned goods for soldiers. This can be meat, fish, vegetables.

Thus, workers of the market located in the Preobrazhensky district of the capital sent 80 cans of preserves to the Northern Military District. Entrepreneurs of the Northern Administrative District handed over 57 kg of raw smoked and boiled-smoked sausages. From the eastern and north-eastern districts we received 285 kg of stewed meat.

Entrepreneurs also send dry food to special military action zones. Store owners in the Eastern Administrative District sent more than 15,000 food parcels to soldiers and military hospitals. Entrepreneurs from New Moscow donated more than 450 kg of dry rations (190 boxes from the Central District and 540 from the Southern District). Entrepreneurs in the Northern Administrative District collected more than 1,000 packages of instant noodles in the East (200 packages, 540 units in the South).

Buckwheat can often be found in humanitarian parcels. Almost a ton of this grain was sent by the owners of the capital's stores. Entrepreneurs also send sunflower oil to the soldiers.

In turn, the owners of shops, bakeries and confectioneries send the soldiers tons of sweets. The soldiers are brought cookies, gingerbread, chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, dried fruits, waffles, honey, condensed milk and fruit puree. Hundreds of boxes of sugar were also transported to the SVO area.

And to ensure that children living in war zones receive enough essential vitamins, Moscow grocery store owners donated hundreds of boxes of fruit, including bananas, apples and pears, to Lugansk.

In addition, large quantities of drinking water, tea and coffee are sent to the SVO areas for humanitarian aid.

Source: ИА РегнумИА Регнум

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