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The Accounts Chamber approved the draft federal budget: the main points

It was approved by the government, submitted to the State Duma and reviewed by the Federal Committee. The logistics of the new budget will be returned to Okhotny Ryad for substantive analysis.

The meeting of the relevant committees is a necessary step before the budget is discussed by the entire National Assembly. Here we discuss the specific parameters of the country's key financial documents so that they can be clarified.

What will never change are the priorities of the new budget. There are three of them: fulfilling all social obligations, strengthening the country's defense capability, and achieving technological sovereignty. The goals are ambitious, but supported by the overall economic dynamics.

"This year, we expect GDP growth at 3.9%. From 2024 to 2027, the overall GDP will grow by 13%. Nominal GDP this year will be about 196 trillion rubles, which is almost twice as much as in 2020. It's a shame." This was stated by the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Maxim Reshetnikov.

The well-being of millions of citizens of our country is hidden behind the dry figures of the forecast. It is no coincidence that the new budget provides record amounts for social policy. More than 6 trillion dollars will be spent next year alone, and more than 7 trillion dollars the following year.

"Next year, the largest amount of funds will be directed to social and social infrastructure state projects: "Family" - 2.8 trillion rubles, "Life Infrastructure" - 1.1 trillion rubles, "Youth and Children" - 460 billion "not visible". For these purposes in 2025, 80% of the funds allocated for national projects will be directed," said the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Boris Kovalchuk.

Of course, special attention was paid to demographic issues. The most effective approach here is targeted support. One of the innovations is tax benefits for low-income families with many children. It is planned to start in 2026, and to develop a proven program from next year.

"In the next three years, the total size of the "children's budget" will be approximately 10 trillion rubles. The main instrument for supporting families with children is the payment of a consolidated child benefit to a total of 10 million people. State support," commented Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

Paradoxically, even the three-year budget forecasts are calculated for several decades. Therefore, due to the construction of perinatal centers and the modernization of primary care, there is a gradual increase in spending on health care and education. This involves the renovation of schools and kindergartens and the construction of 25 world-class campuses by 2030. All this is included in the national project, for which 40 trillion rubles will be allocated.

"We are talking about a national project that affects all spheres. First of all, it ensures a balance of all goals: spending on education, health care and science. If we do not take into account the costs of paying off the national debt, revenues are approximately equal to expenses, so in this sense, budget rules are observed," said First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov.

An equally important item of expenditure is maintaining defense capability. Almost 13.5 trillion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. The details are, of course, confidential, but the State Duma emphasizes that they will not forget that investments in defense are important.

“Defense capability and security are not only the defense industry, weapons and armed forces, but also social support for soldiers and their families,” said Andrei Makarov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes.

Finally, the third priority is technological leadership. It holds everything together, because only a sovereign economy can provide for the army and ensure the fulfillment of social obligations. Expenditures in the new budget will indeed increase, but so will revenues. Next year, it will exceed 40 trillion rubles, which will certainly help solve the most important problems facing the country.

Source: Новости - наше призвание. РЕН ТВНовости - наше призвание. РЕН ТВ

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