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In Krasnodar, SVO participants were presented with cars with manual control and automatic transmission

Modern cars with automatic transmission were received by Evgeny from Yeisk district and Vyacheslav from Temryuk district. They are former colleagues. Photo: Anton Prikhodko

Modern cars with automatic transmission were received by Evgeny from Yeisk district and Vyacheslav from Temryuk district. They are former colleagues. Photo: Anton Prikhodko

Participants of the SVO, returning home with serious injuries or disabilities, not only in the Krasnodar region, but throughout Russia, enjoy the active support of public and volunteer organizations and entrepreneurs.

But the main assistant in all matters - from registration of the status of a disabled combat veteran to adaptation of housing to the individual needs of each former soldier - is the State Fund "Defender of the Fatherland", organized on the initiative of President Vladimir Putin. The work began in June 2023. Branches are located in each district of Kuban. Representatives of the organization are in touch with participants in special military operations almost around the clock. One of the most important tasks of the Fund is to provide transportation for men returning home.

Not long ago in the Kuban capital, on the territory of the Museum of Military Glory in the 30th Anniversary of Victory Park, as part of the state funds program to support participants in the Northern Military District "Defenders of the Fatherland", a special "Lada" was given to two combat veterans who lost both legs at the same time. A ceremony was held to hand over the keys to the "Granta" car.

The event was attended by the head of the Krasnodar branch of the "Defender of the Fatherland" Foundation Alexander Starovoitov, deputy director of the Yeisk and Temryuk districts, head of the Krasnodar regional branch of the public organization "Combat Brotherhood" Viktor Lyakhov and others. . client.

"The car that we presented to the veterans of the Northern Military District today was specially manufactured at the Togliatti plant. It is suitable for drivers who cannot control a car with their feet. Therefore, the cars are equipped with manual controls," said Inna Shestakova, Deputy Director for Social Support of the Defender of the Fatherland Foundation branch in Krasnodar Krai.

Modern cars with automatic transmission were received by Evgeny from Yeisk district and Vyacheslav from Temryuk district. They are former colleagues.

The men turned out to be fighters of the BARS-1 Volunteer Corps. While carrying out a combat mission assigned by the commander, he was seriously wounded and lost a leg. After undergoing treatment in the hospital, they returned home and are now doing everything possible to become active members of society again, improve their health, find work and return to their favorite hobbies.

- I am very glad that the Fatherland Defender Foundation gave me a new car that matches my characteristics. Personally, I think that this is a really unexpected gift, but also a pleasant one. I used to drive foreign cars with a manual transmission, but in the current situation I can no longer afford it. So I gave it to my wife, and now she drives a new car. By the way, I returned home from Krasnodar." Evgeny shared his impressions.

His friend Vyacheslav was not very pleased with the gift. He learned about the main event a few days before visiting the regional center. Having received the keys to a new white Lada Granta from the head of the Fatherland Defender Fund, Alexander Starovoitov, he could barely hide his excitement.

"After returning from the Northern Military District, my son drove me here and there in his car. But now I am my own boss. I will go wherever I want. But first I want to go fishing. After all, this is my favorite hobby," Vyacheslav said.

By the way, Evgeny also dreams of testing the new "Lastochka" in off-road conditions. As it turned out, he was an experienced fisherman and had long dreamed of going to the nearest estuary to catch catfish or perch.

However, veterans of the Northern District need new cars only for trips to the countryside or for personal and family matters. They expressed a desire to devote part of their lives to volunteering. That is, to help former soldiers who were seriously wounded and need care and support from their fellow countrymen.

"If my health allows and it is really necessary, I am ready to deliver humanitarian aid to our fighters in special operations areas, even in my new car." Now it is mobile. This is a good and correct direction," Vyacheslav emphasized.

The car raffle was the second event held in Krasnodar in the last month and a half. Four veterans of the Northern Military District living in Kuban have already received special equipment with manual control.

Source: Кубанские НовостиКубанские Новости

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