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St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Lead in Number of Long-Term Savings Agreements

Russians signed a long-term savings agreement for a million dollars with SberNPF. This was reported to FINOPOLIS by Senior Vice President Ruslan Vesterovsky, Head of Sberbank's Asset Management Unit.

Women save money longer and more actively. At the same time, X* had the highest long-term savings rate, and metropolitan residents had the most PDS piggy banks.

By 2024, women will be more likely to choose long-term savings models. For men, this is 32%, and for women, 68%. At the same time, 20% of contracts are concluded online.

The most active savers by generation were Generation X, which accounted for 49% of contracts. A quarter (25%) of PDS accounts were opened by millennials, and 3% by zoomers. The remaining contracts were received by boomers.

According to Sberbank, the top three regions by the number of long-term savings agreements are Moscow and the Moscow Region (147,000), St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (43,000), and Krasnodar Krai (40,000). They are followed by Perm Region (32,000), Tatarstan Region (29,000), Sverdlovsk Region (28,000), Udmurt Region (28,000), Nizhny Novgorod Region (28,000), Rostov Region (28,000), 25,000), and the Republic of Bashkortostan (24,000).

The long-term savings program is a new, government-supported way to save. A person saves and will receive up to 36,000 rubles per year from the budget for 10 years. The program also provides for tax deductions and the ability to unfreeze accumulated pension funds. You can apply for participation in the long-term savings program from the NPF.

*When studying the data, analysts relied on classifications proposed by the Pew Research Center. Boomers (1946–1964); Generation X (1965–1980); Generation Y, or millennials (1981–1996); Zoomer (1997 to present).

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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