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Houses with crystal chandeliers turned out to be illegal construction: Police cleared out a gypsy village near St. Petersburg after an attack on traffic police officers

For several days now, residents of the village of Verkhnie Oselki in the Vsevolozhsk district have been treated with special attention. It all began on October 14, when traffic police officers stopped a Lada for a routine document check. However, as soon as one of them approached the car, the car suddenly moved and disappeared. Law enforcement officers began a chase, which ended in a private house a few minutes later. The driver jumped out of the car and disappeared into a crowd of about 50 gypsies gathered in the yard. The latter had a very emotional meeting with the law enforcement officers. They began pushing them and grabbing their uniforms.

However, on October 16, the 19-year-old reckless driver was found. The young man explained that he wanted to avoid communication, since he had no rights. However, aggressive expropriation and attacks on law enforcement officers became the reason for large-scale raids on firmly established gypsy camps decades ago. Details were reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

- On the morning of October 17, 100 police officers searched the homes of the nomads. As a result, dozens of men, including Baron, were put on buses and taken to the department to establish their involvement in criminal and administrative offenses. All were fingerprinted, DNA tested and tested for drug use, the department reported.

Before this, law enforcement officers had paid attention to the suspicious car. Their owners were accused of forging license plates. Incidentally, one of the cars belongs to a gypsy baron. During the inspection, 13 cars were sent to a specialized vehicle depot.

Administrative regulations were drawn up against six gypsies for violating various traffic safety rules. One of them was less fortunate than the others. During the raid it was discovered that he was driving drunk, so now the man may face criminal charges.

The police also found that most of the private houses in the gypsy village were built independently and not registered anywhere. Information about this was passed on to the competent authorities.

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Source: "Комсомольская правда" Санкт-Петербург"Комсомольская правда" Санкт-Петербург

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