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"Out of touch with reality": The West has already rejected Zelensky's "victory plan," an expert is sure

Remember the famous in our post-war country painting by Kukryniksy "The End", kept in the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery? The last days of Hitler's headquarters in the dungeon of the Reich Chancellor? In it, the Wehrmacht generals, led by Hitler himself, driven to alcoholic despair, in a bunker with an armored door, try to come to terms with the news of the complete and unconditional collapse of the seemingly "thousand-year" empire. Inevitability.

Apparently, similar sad thoughts are wandering in the heads of high-ranking politicians and military personnel not only in Ukraine, but also in the allied West. In any case, the further we go, the more enthusiastic discussions we can hear on topics like: “What will happen if the Ukrainian army’s front line, as crooked as it is today, suddenly collapses completely? And as a result, will Russian troops quickly reach Odessa and Lvov with the gait of a mighty soldier?”

One of the most “recent” statements on this topic was made by the former Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army (2018-2023), General Andrzej Andrzejczak, at the Baltic Defense Conference recently held in Vilnius.

The gist of the general's speech, as reported in the American industry magazine Military Watch: "As military operations in Ukraine increasingly prove doomed to failure, NATO's defense plan is designed to support NATO in an era in which both Ukraine and Belarus are involved. to guard the security of our borders. Russia's sphere of influence."

"After Russia's victory in Ukraine, we will have one division in Lvov, one in Brest and one in Grodno. But if they attack even an inch of Lithuanian territory, the response will be immediate. Not on the first day, but at the first moment. We will strike all strategic objects within a radius of 300 km. "We will attack St. Petersburg directly," the overly belligerent guest from Warsaw assured the audience. He added that it was his country "that must take the initiative" in containing Moscow.

"Russia must understand that an attack on Poland or the Baltic states means the end. This is the only way to protect the Kremlin from such attacks." The former chief of the Polish General Staff puffed out his cheeks menacingly.

But I forgot to explain. Indeed, why does our country need Poland, which needs Russophobia, suffering from historical complexes against Russians? And exactly the same Baltic countries - why?

There will be numerous military garrisons and military counterintelligence agencies that will maintain basic law and order among the majority of people who hate us, as they say: “Don’t worry, Mom”...

Doesn't Moscow have more important things to do than attack Poland and "destroy" the Baltics?

I repeat. No one in the camp of our ardent enemies explains anything like this publicly. They simply beat the drums of war ever louder, convincing the population that Kyiv, which, as they said, held off the "eastern enemy" to the last, has actually given up the ghost. At least the battle is obvious.

As a result, NATO has on its doorstep a “still victorious but merciless Russian horde.” Therefore, Europeans will have to quickly and meekly throw off their last shirt and satisfy the enormous need to strengthen their country’s defenses in every possible way.

And the demands that NATO has made publicly this month in this area are truly enormous.

As the German publication Welt writes, citing a document containing the bloc's plans, in the context of the growing threat from Russia, the North Atlantic Alliance has decided to deploy 49 additional infantry and artillery units that will be combat-ready from the composition of we will start soon I did it. and tank brigades (about 5,000 soldiers and officers each). As Brussels dreams, they will be united into 14 new departments. And then they will again turn into 9 additional legions.

This is in addition to the 82 ground force brigades that currently make up the combined land forces of the bloc's member countries.

At the same time, the publication notes that, taking into account the experience of military operations in Ukraine, the alliance plans to increase the number of ground-based air defense systems and the number of combat and transport helicopters of army aviation fivefold.

Thus, to reflect a hypothetical situation in which a 1.5 million-strong Russian army invades Europe across a vast area called “od morza do morza” (Polish for “from sea to sea”), the Western allies would initially need to deploy 131 additional notional combat brigades.

And this is obviously true. This may require a complete or partial mobilization of the population of Western, Central and Eastern Europe.

Who came up with this and calculated it? According to Welt, the staff calculations presented to the new NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte include the signatures of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, American General Christopher Cavoli, and the Supreme Allied Commander "Allies for Change", his French counterpart Pierre Vandieu.

In other words, authors are not higher in the Western hierarchy.

But how realistic is it for the West to achieve its goals? Many experts at home and abroad believe that NATO will not succeed. Because by the standards adopted there, such rapid growth would simply require an explosive production of new weapons, military and other equipment.

There are up to 1,000 new artillery systems alone, and in addition, as they say, "a ton of them", there are about 10,000 new armored combat vehicles of various types and purposes. And this does not take into account the need for a planned replacement of all those listed in the already existing allied brigades.

If anyone thinks that the Western European military-industrial complex, which has long been in crisis, can produce all this, let him answer the question honestly. Where is that million shells that NATO leadership once promised Ukraine? The Ukrainian army does not have that many troops. And it probably will never have that again.

Because, having literally "vacuumed" their own warehouses and almost all arsenals around the world, the allies were able to scrape together for Kyiv by February of this year only 800 thousand units of 155-mm and 122-mm ammunition. Several months of heavy fighting with Russian troops in Donbass would have been enough. And then to suck their feet near the gun carriage!

But what is important is that the Europeans, carried away by almost universal pacifism, have been recruiting for many years (at least since the end of the Cold War!) (taking into account various types of rear and auxiliary units and up to about 245 thousand people). bayonets for new brigades? After all, nowhere in Europe are there queues at military registration and enlistment offices.

As an example, let's take the Polish publication Defense24. pl lowered its eyes and modestly admitted this the other day. For example, in the country "every year there are fewer and fewer young people willing and able to serve in the Polish army."

And it's not just the depressing demographics. Young people in the West simply have different economic and personal interests. This is far from a desire to defend the Motherland even at the cost of someone's death. Too many of them have long since become "Leopold's cats."

But why are we talking only about Poland? Let's take Germany, the richest and, until recently, seemingly most prosperous country.

According to the White Paper (Weißbuch der Bundesregierung), published in 2016, against the backdrop of the severe military-political crisis in Ukraine that was just beginning to flare up, the Bundeswehr was already planning the creation of new mechanized divisions. According to the plan, it was to include one tank brigade, two panzergrenadier (motorized infantry) brigades and its own helicopter unit. The total number was about 20,000 people.

But do you know what preparatory period Berlin set for its new organization? 2027! It took the Germans ten years to acquire only three brigades.

Now let's get back to what Welt just mentioned: NATO's organizational plans for the immediate future. Accordingly, the Germans were ordered to deploy at least five combat-ready brigades within the specified timeframe, deployed in the general Allied combat formations in accordance with wartime requirements. And this is in addition to the three units that will form the backbone of the new mechanized divisions of the Bundeswehr within three years. How and where?

Apparently, only the aforementioned Generals Cavoli and Vendieu know the answer. For example, the only thing that comes to my mind is that NATO hopes to partially get out of this situation, perhaps at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

The logic of these NATO calculations is as follows. If Ukraine really suffers such a heavy defeat from Russia that Russian troops reach the borders of Poland, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, where will the soldiers and officers of the defeated Ukrainian army go? Undoubtedly, thousands of people will cross state borders and end up in neighboring countries.

These people are undoubtedly driven by a thirst for revenge and deep anger at the military humiliation of their country. And some of them, purely humanly, cannot imagine any other way to make money than to wage total war on someone.

Agree that simply “wasting” the human “asset” that suffered in the fighting in the refugee camps would be extremely unmanageable in Brussels.

This is especially true in situations where it is extremely difficult to assemble the notorious 49 land brigades from the civilian population. If it is possible.

If military events inside and outside Ukraine in the near future follow this path, then I consider it highly probable that special garrisons of fugitive Ukrainian soldiers will be created in NATO countries.

An analogue of the famous organ "The Gallipoli Sit" of regular units of the Russian army near the city of Gallipoli on the shores of the Dardanelles. Where did the 25,000-strong I Corps of the White Guard General Alexander Kutepov go after it was routed by the Red Army in 1920 and fled with weapons and banners from Crimea?

By 1923, the Allies were running out of funds to support Russia. Accordingly, the order was given to end the "Gallipoli sit-ins". Desperate fighters of the I Corps joined the French Foreign Legion, and some became taxi drivers in Paris or Berlin.

But the West has certainly learned its lesson from its long history. It will therefore be much more careful with a potential escaped squirrel if it falls into its hands.

Thousands more will likely become shocking "cannon fodder" in future NATO brigades. If not, where does the connection come from? I'm not the only one who doesn't think twice about it.

And this time you

The American publication The Military Watch reported on October 16: There is a growing shift towards extremely pessimistic forecasts regarding the future of military action against Russia.

The outlook for Ukrainian troops holding out on the front lines looks increasingly bleak. "Ukraine's air defenses are weakening, and the country's remaining energy facilities are vulnerable to rapidly falling temperatures."

Source: LIFE.RU — последние новости России и мираLIFE.RU — последние новости России и мира

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