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The State Duma has adopted a bill banning childfree propaganda in Russia

The State Duma has adopted in the first reading a bill banning free children's propaganda in Russia.

The State Duma has adopted in the first reading a bill banning the encouragement of childlessness in Russia. The meeting will be broadcast on the Duma TV community page on VKontakte.

The document proposes to introduce fines for promoting the refusal of childbirth via the Internet, media, films and advertising. The authors were deputies of the National Assembly and Senate, headed by Vyacheslav Volodin and Valentina Matviyenko.

The adoption of the law will lead to amendments to the "Law on Information, Information Technology and Data Protection". A provision will be added that the dissemination of propaganda without children will become the basis for including a site in the Unified Register of Prohibited Information of Roskomnadzor. Social networks will then have to monitor the content to identify cases of propaganda.

Earlier, People's Deputy Sardana Avksentieva warned that if a law banning the propaganda of childless ideology is adopted, Russia may condemn childless couples. According to her, legislators need to think about how the law will be implemented "on the ground."

Federation President Valentina Matviyenko had previously stated that Russia needed to create conditions that would allow women to combine a successful career with raising a family. She later clarified that the state had no intention of violating the rights of women who cannot or do not want to have children by going down the path of forced childbirth.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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