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Глава петербургского станкозавода стал владельцем бизнеса с выручкой 5,3 млрд

Over the past few months, Konstantin Ladygin has become the owner of the entire Russian business of Semyon and Victoria Stompel, who, according to market participants, live abroad. At the end of July, Astra-K acquired 23.85% of the shares of the developer Moskovsky Trakt from Victoria Stompel and Precision Machines. On August 30 and September 16, Astra-K acquired the St. Petersburg companies Allegro and Kopiya from Semyon Stompel, bringing the total revenue in 2023 to 243 million rubles. The website of the arbitration court indicates that Allegro manages the property of the Allegro Park Hotel in Lisii Nos, and Kopiya is involved in transactions with the Vvedensky Hotel in the Petrogradsky District of St. Petersburg.

Konstantin Ladygin's first involvement in the SPARK business dates back to October 2008. At that time, he owned 25% of the shares of the Ecoenge design bureau, which was engaged in architectural projects and engineering surveys. In 2014, he left the design bureau and since then, only in 2019, he acted as a participant in the business, owning 43.75% of the shares of AO Bezopasnye Tekhnologii, of which 49% belonged to Victoria Stompel, who owned the same shares. We have been operating as NPO Precise Machines since 2015. Bezopasnye Tekhnologii is engaged in the design and construction of industrial facilities, and last year its turnover amounted to 2.8 billion rubles. Since 2021, the company has been headed by Konstantin Ladygin.

In 2022, Konstantin Ladygin became interested in creating his own business, not related to "precision machine building". He founded the construction companies "AGNKS" and "PGBT" in St. Petersburg, and then in 2023 "Dobrogradsky Stanok". Concern of the Vladimir Regional Plant and the Ulyanovsk Machine-Tool Plant TBS. None of them have yet reported financial success. The exception is St. Petersburg Hockey Club LLC (Children's Hockey Charity Fund), 75% of which has belonged to Konstantin Ladygin since 2016, earned 3.2 million rubles in 2023. But this is more of a hobby.

In May 2024, after the death of the chairman of the board and co-owner of OOO Stankozavod TBS (production of horizontal milling and boring machines) Leonid Spektor, who headed the plant since 2018, Konstantin Ladygin headed NPO Precise Machines. building. Machine-building plant TBS has two subsidiaries: Technological Center and Trading House TBS, which earned a total of 87 million rubles last year. From that moment on, he began buying up the group's assets.

Konstantin Ladygin's comment to DP suggests that after Leonid Spektor's death, the remaining owners found it difficult to manage the management, so he acquired 50% of the shares of the TBS machine-tool plant from NPO Pretsizionnost. Machine-tool construction. companies. "This places a relatively large burden on the rest of the company and on me as CEO. "We have decided to redistribute the rights and obligations of our shareholders in order to optimize our current operating activities," he wrote. Edit request.

Source: Деловой ПетербургДеловой Петербург

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2024년 10월, 구직 서비스인 SuperJob은 크라스노다르의 엘리베이터 설치업체 공석에 대한 고용주 제안과 지원자의 기대치를 연구했습니다.

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