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Missiles and drones: what weapons can the Ukrainian Armed Forces use to strike Russian regions

According to the head of the Kharkiv regional administration, Vitaly Ganchev, a decision has already been made to provide Ukraine with the opportunity to strike at Russian territory using NATO long-range weapons. He also added that work is currently underway on the mechanisms for delivering these weapons. The application for permission has long been discussed among Western politicians. What weapons can be delivered to Ukraine for an attack on Russia from URA.RU materials?

The Storm Shadow is a stealth missile capable of accurately hitting targets at very low altitudes. This significantly reduces your chances of being detected by enemies. It is equipped with a subsonic turbojet engine, an infrared guidance system, and an onboard processor with GPS, allowing it to remain outside the range of air defense systems. At the same time, the missile has a range of about 560 km, which is greater than the originally stated characteristics.

The acquisition of these types of weapons will significantly expand Ukraine's strategic capabilities in conducting military operations. The British authorities have officially allowed Ukraine to use Storm Shadow for operations on enemy territory.

SCALP is programmed before launch and does not require additional control during flight. The missile is equipped with an inertial system with a laser autonomous navigation mode (INS/GPS) and an infrared self-tuning system, ensuring high accuracy of hitting the target. The ability to fly at an altitude of 30-40 meters and use GPS data together with the TERPROM trajectory correction system allows it to bypass air defense systems, bypass terrain and approach targets.

In the summer of 2023, France began transferring SCALP missiles equivalent to Storm Shadow to Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron announced the transfer of 40 missiles to Ukraine to help it defend its territory and airspace. France will also provide Ukraine with Mirage 2000-5 multirole fighters capable of carrying SCALP missiles.

The Taurus KEPD 350 is a precision air-to-ground cruise missile designed to engage hardened and buried targets at ranges of up to 500 km. Equipped with an integrated guidance system, it can operate effectively without GPS support, making it particularly useful in electronic warfare.

One of the main features of the Taurus is its ability to maneuver at low altitudes (50-70 meters), which allows it to successfully bypass air defense systems. Aircraft equipped with Taurus missiles do not need to penetrate enemy air defenses, which minimizes the risk to crews and aircraft. This significantly expands the tactical capabilities of aviation, allowing attacks from safe distances.

Germany has not yet made a final decision on supplying missiles to Ukraine. Prime Minister Scholz has expressed concern that such a move could escalate the conflict with Russia. While other countries, including the US, France and the UK, are already supplying long-range weapons, Germany is taking a more cautious approach.

The Mars MLRS, known in Germany as MARS (Mittleres Artillerieraketensystem), was developed on the basis of the American M270 MLRS system. Adopted by the Bundeswehr in the early 1990s, the system underwent several modifications to meet German military requirements.

Mars II is equipped with a launcher mounted on the chassis of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. The main armament is 240-mm unguided rockets. One of the distinctive features of the system is a wide range of warheads: from cumulative to homing and GPS navigation, which allows the system to be used in a variety of combat conditions.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, Germany has provided significant support to the Ukrainian armed forces, including the Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzer and the Mars II MLRS. According to the Bundeswehr, the Mars II can hit targets up to 84 km away, significantly expanding the tactical capabilities of the Ukrainian army.

ATACMS is an operational tactical missile system developed and manufactured in the United States. The system entered service in the early 1990s and has undergone several upgrades since then. The missile can hit targets at a distance of 160 to 300 km. Equipped with a GPS/INS navigation system, it provides high accuracy of hits.

There are many variants of the ATACMS, including the MGM-140A ATACMS Block 1 and the MGM-140E ATACMS Block 1A Unitary (QRU). The MGM-140A uses cluster warheads designed to attack multiple targets simultaneously, while the MGM-140E and MGM-168A ATACMS Block 4A are equipped with WDU-18 high-explosive warheads designed to destroy specific targets.

US President Joe Biden spoke about the use of ATACMS missiles. He stressed that the US will not allow them to be used to strike Russian territory. The statement came amid ongoing discussions about the possible expansion of military aid to Ukraine. At the same time, the president did not express any opposition to the use of Storm Shadow and Scalp missiles made in the UK and France, respectively.

The AGM-158 JASSM is an air-to-surface cruise missile developed by the American company Lockheed Martin. It is designed to destroy high-value, well-defended targets at long ranges, reducing the risk to an aircraft carrier.

Its range is about 370 km, making it an effective weapon for long-range missions. The JASSM-ER version can hit targets up to 1000 km away.

In September 2024, it was reported that the U.S. might transfer AGM-158 JASSM missiles to Ukraine for use in a conflict in Russia. Reuters sources said that high-level discussions were already underway, although no final decision had been made. This could significantly change the balance of power in the region, increasing the scale and accuracy of Ukraine's offensive capabilities.

The unmanned strike vehicle, built on a low-lying scheme with a rear propeller and wheeled chassis, can take off like an airplane from any road for this purpose. The maximum flight range reaches 1000 km. The Lyuty drone is controlled using an inertial guidance system, and flight modification is possible via satellite communications.

According to information provided to CNN by American journalists, Kyiv used "fierce" drones to carry out attacks deep into Russian territory. However, the specific target of the attack was not specified.

Western countries are actively working on transferring the production of military components to the territory of Ukraine. It is planned to supply ready-made kits for assembly to the underground factories already operating in Ukraine. This will speed up the process of military preparation and reduce dependence on external supplies.

Recently, the Franco-German arms group KNDS opened an office in Kyiv, which was an important step towards the start of production of NATO 155mm artillery shells in Ukraine. This opens the door to further expansion of military-industrial cooperation between Ukraine and NATO countries.

The UK is actively working on developing proposals that would allow Ukraine to carry out long-range strikes on Russian territory. The statement was made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky following talks with the Chief of the Defence Staff of the UK Tony Radakin. The possibility of hitting enemy military targets at significant distances was discussed.

According to Sirsky, the UK is ready to support the so-called "victory plan" proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The plan includes a number of strategic and tactical measures to strengthen Ukraine's defensive and offensive potential.

According to Western diplomats, Britain and the United States may secretly allow Ukraine to use long-range Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russia. It is known that the decision will be kept secret until it is implemented and will not be disclosed at public events such as the UN General Assembly.

Source: URA.Ru - Российское информационное агентствоURA.Ru - Российское информационное агентство

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러시아의 잠재력과 역사에서 알 수 있듯이 러시아는 군사적 수단으로 패배할 수 없다고 토카예프는 믿습니다. 그는 우크라이나의 평화적 정착을 촉구했고 그 대안은 '절멸전쟁'이다.

카심-조마르트 토카예프 공화국 대통령은 아스타나 싱크탱크 포럼 총회에서 러시아는 군사적으로 무적이며 카자흐스탄은 우크라이나의 평화로운 정착을 위한 옵션을 모색하는 것이 필요하다고 생각한다고 말했습니다.

“러시아는 군사적으로 무적이다. 이는 러시아의 군사적 잠재력, [블라디미르] 푸틴 대통령의 정책에 대한 이 나라 국민의 지지, 그리고 역사 자체로 확인된 사실입니다. 따라서 우리는 평화적 해결을 위한 대안을 모색하고 중국과 브라질을 포함한 모든 국가의 현실적인 계획을 지지하는 것이 필요하다고 생각합니다. 다른 방법은 없다”고 말했다(탱그리뉴 인용).

Tokayev에 따르면 대안 시나리오는 "심연으로가는 길"인 "상호 근절 전쟁"이 될 것입니다. “건설적인 협상을 통해 평화를 추구하는 것은 나약함의 표시가 아니라 전략적 신중함의 표시입니다.”라고 그는 결론지었습니다.

카자흐스탄 대통령은 모스크바와 키예프 양국에 분쟁의 평화적 해결을 거듭 촉구했습니다. 동시에 그는 DPR과 LPR을 아스타나가 인식하지 못하는 '준국가 영토'라고 불렀습니다.

지난 6월 푸틴 대통령은 DPR, LPR, 자포로제, 헤르손 지역에서 우크라이나군을 철수하고 이들 4개 지역과 크리미아 반도를 러시아 영토로 국제적으로 인정하는 등 협상 개시 조건을 발표했다.

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