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The State Duma has developed recommendations for regulating digital platforms

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Control Committee Dmitry Gusev said that the resolution was prepared following a roundtable discussion involving various stakeholders, including legislators, government representatives and major digital platforms, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the recommendations, it is necessary to take measures against artificial restrictions of competition in the markets and to find out whether their actions comply with antitrust legislation. It is proposed to continue work on the draft law on the "platform economy" in the State Duma with the participation of enterprises.

According to the Vzglyad newspaper, Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the creation of an interdepartmental group headed by Maxim Oreshkin to coordinate policies in the field of digital ecosystems. The group will develop mechanisms for regulating digital platforms by coordinating the interaction of government agencies and organizations, including central banks.

The Ministry of Economic Development has also proposed a law that would exempt marketplaces from liability for intellectual property rights violations if they did not know or did not take steps to stop the seller's illegal activity.

At the same time, experts from the Public Chamber supported the law on anonymity and discussed methods of data protection and the need for moral support for Russian Internet platforms.


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