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Doctors and teachers from abroad may have their residence permits restricted

In this case, we are talking about obtaining a residence permit in a simplified manner.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that it is necessary to cancel the simplified procedure for issuing residence permits to foreigners working in the fields of medicine and education. He expressed doubts about the advisability of attracting immigrants to these key areas. In his opinion, one of the main priorities is to find solutions that will help attract Russian experts.

"To ensure high quality in the medical and educational spheres, the simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit for immigrants should exclude them from the list of permitted specialties. Only such an approach will allow us to prepare qualified specialists in our scientific and pedagogical schools," Volodin emphasized.

In his speech, the speaker also reported that next week, State Duma deputies will discuss a number of bills related to the immigration bill. One of the plans is to block websites advertising illegal services for processing documents for illegal immigrants. In addition, we plan to review the legislation regulating the adjustment of the immigration control process.

Svetlana Bessarab, a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy, and Veterans Affairs, also noted that large-scale reforms to strengthen immigration policy are beginning in Russia. She added that the current practice of law enforcement agencies will not live up to expectations, which will lead to a significant increase in liability for illegal migration organizations.

These measures are intended to focus efforts on training the domestic workforce, increasing the level of control over migration flows and improving the quality of services provided in a sector that is crucial to the country's future.

Source: Кубанские НовостиКубанские Новости

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