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"It's not like crossing the Alps." Angry column by a Tyumen resident about parents of schoolchildren who create traffic jams

Tyumen. Morning. Traffic jam in the city center. It seems to be a normal start of the day in the city. Only the traffic jams in Ordzhonikidze were artificially created by parents who decided to leave their car in one of the lanes. Below is the opinion of journalist Pavel Krasotkin, who watches this photo every day.

I drive past the school 21 times every day. It's located in the city center. And every morning we get stuck in a traffic jam because of inattentive drivers who leave their hazard lights on. Yes, that gives you the right to get out of the "shushlaika" and take your child to school for several million rubles. And it doesn't matter that other people don't show up for work or school on time.

I think it would be nice if there were no parking lots near the school. But if you choose Khokhryakov, there are plenty of places where you can do this. Yes, you will have to walk another 100-200 meters, but it will not bother anyone. I seriously do not understand. We are not talking about swimming across the Atlantic Ocean or crossing the Alps, but about giving parents a few more minutes of precious time.

It is understandable that parents do not want their children to suffer from the cold. Let's be honest: small children do not study when it is cold. And old people go for a walk after school. And if you spend a few minutes in the fresh air before going to school, your health will not deteriorate.

How can we solve this problem? We cannot have a policeman near every school or every car. One can imagine how the traffic police will approach every car, and there will be no one there, because the parents took their children to school. Let's say there is also a provision for imposing fines. This will lead to even more traffic jams. In the end, the car turns on the hazard lights and takes up the traffic lane.

One can only appeal to the common sense of these people. Ultimately, to education. Moreover, your actions will cause traffic jams and prevent people from doing their important things. Think about others at least sometimes. Remember that there may be delays on the roads for emergency services. Ambulances often pass through Ordzhonikidze and take people to the hospital.

Dear parents, next time you decide to park your car on a side street, think about others. Consider that your personal convenience may cause inconvenience to many other people. Then walk a few hundred meters with your child. It is not as difficult as you think. At least, there are no statistics showing that someone has lost something because of a few dozen steps.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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