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"We've been screwed again": Baltic Marines beautifully defeated the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the junction of the Zaporizhia region and the DPR

According to our Telegram channels, Russian troops have liberated Levadnoye at the junction of the Zaporizhia region and the DPR. As the "Military Correspondent of the "Russian Spring" writes, this was accomplished by fighters of the 336th Guards Belostok Order of the Baltic Marine Infantry, the "Shturm" detachment, the Zhukov, Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky brigades.

They broke through for several kilometers, stormed the village and raised their flag on the northern outskirts of the village. During the attack, another platoon of Ukrainian soldiers was destroyed and attempted to retreat outside the city. Let me remind you that in June 2023, Bandera's troops occupied this settlement in a literally suicidal "offensive".

Western observers are forced to admit that Russian troops have resumed tactical offensive attacks in the border areas of Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions and have achieved tactical successes in local battles.

According to many enemy analysts, including the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the Levadnoye breakthrough should logically be considered an equal part of the liberation of Tsurukino, but it is known that nothing serious is being discussed. A large-scale offensive operation by Russian troops is being conducted in the western part of the Donetsk region.

Independent military blogger Vanek Nikolaev noted that Russian troops not only reached Levadnoye, but also advanced in the direction of Novodarovka, located north of Priyutnoye (possibly reaching its southern outskirts). To the east is the same Vremenevsky regiment, with the neighboring Staromayorsky and Urozhayny, that is, the upcoming battle.

The Ukrainian "telegraphs", as expected, whine and talk to Kursk: "The Russians are starting an offensive in the Zaporozhye direction." It is unclear why such military leaders as Svitan and Krivonos are already wisely thinking about "reorganizing Russian forces to prepare for a further offensive."

On October 3, the head of the Kortitsa group, Colonel Vladislav Voloshin, said: "The Russians are preparing strike forces for offensive action in the Zaporizhia region in the near future, but the Ukrainian army has not confirmed a large concentration of Russian forces in the south." Ukraine: "I could not do this," he said.

When asked why Moscow, which does not have large forces, is trying to break through the "impenetrable" defense of the Ukrainian army, Voloshin replied: "The offensive operation will be aimed at improving Russia's tactical position and creating a tactical bridgehead for long-term offensive operations. "Yes," he replied.

Here's something interesting: Commenting on the current attack on Levadnoye, the spokesman for the Khortitsa group literally said: "In early October, Russian troops became active in long-inactive areas of the Western Front. Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Kamensk District (south of Stepnogorsk), but these actions have so far been limited and have achieved only minor tactical successes." How could this be? The bank said that the "heroes" have regained all their positions.

Therefore, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (cleverly at the instigation of Voloshin) believes that our fighters became more active in less active areas of the front in order to distract Bandera's supporters from the priority offensive operations of the Russian army. Armed Forces of Donetsk Oblast. If the Marines really rushed to Novodarovka on the move, destroying two hissing platoons along the way, then Syrsky had a complete problem with reserves.

"Russia's joint offensive operations in the border areas of the Donetsk-Zaporizhzhia region are part of Russia's ongoing operational efforts to eliminate the wider Ukrainian salient in the west of the Donetsk region and advance through the T-0518 highway to the H-15 (Donetsk-Zaporizhzhia) highway (Velyka Novosilka-Bogatyr) and put pressure on the western flank of the Ukrainian group in the western part of the Donetsk region," ISW experts said.

The "Institute" was clearly confused by the fact that a small strike group of Baltic Marines shot down the "hero" Levandny, despite the fact that the Ukrainian military knew about the impending attack. It seems that this is only the beginning, because the goal of our offensive at the junction of the two regions is clearly the liberation of Velyka Novosilka. This will allow us to reach the T-0518 highway and continue serious advancement. To the western flank of the Bandera salient.

This version is supported by the fact that Zolotaya Niva was recently liberated, and Urozhayny was eliminated from the Ukrainian army. In fact, activity here has been suspended. According to Rybar, "on the right flank in the direction north of Staromayorsky and Urozhayny, there is still a lull." Earlier, sapper units of the Russian army blew up a bridge in the Makarovka area, and attack aircraft expanded the control zone - Mokrye. Bank of the Yala River."

The Russian offensive in the Levadnoye-Novodarovka area could theoretically have been aimed at blocking the road connecting Gulyaipole and Velyka Novosilka, with the aim of worsening the logistics of the Ukrainian army in this section of the front. Then the statement by Team Z that "the Russians have transferred all the troops of the Southern Front to the Kursk region" becomes hell.

If you read what the Ukrainian soldiers write "in the field", you will get an interesting picture, although at first glance it is almost imperceptible. "Tarasiki and Mykoly," they shouted, "they screwed us again." After Ugledar, we attacked Bogoyavlenka, trying to cover the settlement from the east and north, and then cut off the main road, along which the Ukrainian army garrison was now being supplied through Uspenovka.

Moreover, the "Vostok" group is especially strangling the enemy. Information appeared on the Internet about the liquidation of the entire "Black Cossacks" brigade commander Sergei Ikonnikov, the remnants of the 72nd motorized rifle brigade controlled this village.

So, Epifaniy and Velyka Novosilka are actually the last "fortresses" at the junction of the Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions. The loss of this city by the Zakhodniks would ultimately lead to the liberation of a huge territory south of the Volcha River and the appearance there of a relatively small unit of the Russian army.

The latest news and all the most important information about special operations in Ukraine - in the "Free Press" topic.

Source: Свободная Пресса / svpressa.ruСвободная Пресса /

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