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Eurasia Daily: Skripal's written testimony in poisoning case revealed

Sergei Skripal's written testimony in the poisoning case was read out at a public hearing in Salisbury, England on October 14. According to this testimony, Skripal felt safe in England and did not want any special measures taken. Eurasia Daily cites Skripal's statement, read out at the hearing.

"I saw a small picture in the headline of the Daily Mail. I told people my life was in danger in the weeks before the 2018 attack. I don't remember thinking about it or telling anyone. >I lived a normal life. information or warning to support this statement," he said in a statement.

The testimony also points out that Sergei Skripal did not know which organisation was responsible for ensuring his safety in the UK.

"I don't remember exactly what was discussed about personal security measures, but I think I was offered protection, including a name change. It was never considered necessary, and I refused it," he told Skripal.

He also said that after moving to the UK in 2010, he saw no need to live in a closed and highly guarded area. Sergei Skripal also refused to use surveillance cameras because he "did not want to live under surveillance."

Source: Новости - наше призвание. РЕН ТВНовости - наше призвание. РЕН ТВ

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