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The court upheld the claim of the former president of Adygea Sovmen against YouTube

In Adygea, a court examined the materials of a civil lawsuit filed by the former president of the republic, Khazret Sovmen, against YouTube and recognized that the published information was false and damaged the company’s reputation and goodwill.

According to Khazret Sovmen, YouTube had previously published several videos that revealed his personal data and contained information that was not true and defamed his honor, dignity and business reputation. In response, the former CEO of Adygea filed a complaint against the defendant, but the management of the video hosting site stated that the presenters did not confirm the fact of the violation of the plaintiff's rights.

Sovmen asked the court to recognize the activities of the YouTube channel and the three videos posted on it as illegal and violating the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

Source: Кубанские НовостиКубанские Новости

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