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New version - death in a photo: even six years later, the mysterious death of Lina Storozhevaya haunts

Years after the mysterious death of Lina Storozheva in Samara, a woman who called herself a "searcher" based on satellite images claimed that her death had signs of a crime.

- This is a photo of the house and the entrance where Lina died. There are small faces in the windows. This photo was taken in 2018. She was killed by a man who threw her out of this window into the entrance. His face is also here. The shooting of the murder scene on the spot is the property of a digital camera. The windows are located between the 4th and 5th floors. This means that the killer lives somewhere there. This is what one woman said when she called the editorial office of the website this spring.

According to her, the photographs show "marks" on the roof of the entrance. The face of the murdered woman and a small white spot on the roof are visible. According to her, this is a leak about Lina's death and is already fading.

The woman filed a lawsuit with the prosecutor's office, but indicated that "testimony from witnesses based on speculation, assumptions and rumors, and those who cannot reveal the source of their knowledge, is inadmissible and cannot be confirmed."

Let me remind you that on October 14, 2018, 34-year-old Lina Storozheva disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Samara. In Lina's last video, filmed on a surveillance camera, you can see the woman running out of the entrance at night, then returning and disappearing without a trace. At the same time, her 12-year-old son was home alone.

Even during the search, different psychics expressed very different versions of what happened. Some were sure that she was alive and had gone on vacation with friends. Others said that she was dead and that influential people were involved in her death.

Lina was discovered by janitors in March 2019 when they began clearing snow from the entrance canopy. The woman's body was between the wall and a gas pipe. My body had changed so much that I had to take a DNA test.

Recently, the girl worked in one of the large car dealerships in Samara. She took out a car loan and insurance. According to her family, Lina began complaining about problems a few days before her disappearance. However, she did not specify what exactly was bothering her. Some were sure that Lina was in some kind of financial situation.

Law enforcement officials considered suicide to be one of the main versions of Lina's death. However, investigators continued to investigate the criminal case under the article "murder", but it was eventually closed.


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