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"Russia is the best place in the world": The Ministry of Internal Affairs helped former Americans obtain temporary residence permits in Krasnodar Krai after an RT request

Gerald Duran and Sharon Duran from the United States renounced their American citizenship, bought a house in Goryachy Klyuch and received a quota for a temporary residence permit. However, due to bureaucratic red tape, the documents were not provided. Assistance was received after RT requested it from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, the Duran family's application for a temporary residence permit in Russia was accepted.

Gerald Duran was born in New Jersey and his wife Sharon was born in California.

“My wife and I are both former electronics engineers,” Gerald told RT. “I developed the first computer speech device, worked on the space shuttle program, and worked on other aerospace products, especially safety devices. My wife and I ran an electronics design company in California for 39 years.”

He explained to RT why they left the country.

"We found that in the United States, particularly in California, people started doing crazy things and the laws became so unfriendly to business that businesses had to close."

In 2018, the Duran family came to Goryachy Klyuch in the Krasnodar Territory. It was here that they decided to settle permanently. In 2021, I received a business visa, opened a business and built a house. • Gerald Duran and his American passport after renouncing citizenship.

To maintain their stateless status, the Duran family obtained citizenship from the island nation of Vanuatu. This allowed them to live in Russia without violating immigration laws. “We spent 90 days in Russia, then left Russia, spent 90 days there, and then came back here for another 90 days,” Gerald explains.

Having received a quota for temporary residence permits, the Duran family was unable to use them, so they had to turn to RT for help. The conflict was that the Duran couple were in Armenia at the time they received the quota. They returned to Russia as citizens of Vanuatu without visas.

However, according to Russian legislation, foreigners cannot enter the Russian Federation without a visa and receive a temporary residence permit under a quota.

Duran decided to go to Armenia again to re-enter Russia with the necessary visa and have a quota for temporary residence. However, Gerald was denied an Armenian visa. But Sharon did not have the strength to go further. She is 78 years old.

At RT's request, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation provided assistance to the Duran family as part of the "Not One on One" project. Get a temporary residence permit without leaving Russia.

"On October 4, 2024, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory accepted the application of the citizen specified in the application for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article. Federal Law No. 6 of July 25, 2002. No. 115-F3 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" will be considered in the established manner, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

The Duran family began the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit even before the signing of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the provision of humanitarian aid to people who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" on August 19, 2024. When asked by RT what Gerald thinks about this law and how important it is for foreigners, he answered:

"I fully support this resolution. The only thing, of course, is to make sure that those who come have the right to be in Russia. There are many citizens in the West who do not agree with their government. They will be happy here."

Gerald Duran shared with us his plans for the near future and told us what he and his wife Sharon plan to do in Russia.

"We want to build a house that will have enough space to teach the younger generation computer skills. We don't have children, but we would like to pass on our knowledge of computers and technology, and if we are allowed, we would like to donate a computer to a school. We started a business in Russia and registered an LLC, but at the moment we cannot do any business. We want to go back there to produce high-tech products that are made in Russia and available to Russians at affordable prices. Basically, we want to support the countries that allow us to live here freely. We are not asking for anything other than that she be allowed to stay here legally."

Source: RT на русскомRT на русском

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