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Measures to support agricultural producers and new personnel appointments: Vyacheslav Fedorishchev held an operational meeting with members of the Government

On Monday, October 14, the Samara Region Government held an operational meeting chaired by Governor Vyacheslav Fedorishchev. It was held in an open format and began with greetings.

Maxim Vladimirovich took part in special combat operations. He also has extensive experience in law enforcement and administrative bodies.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly spoken about the need to recruit heroes of special military operations.

The head of the region expressed confidence that Maxim Kovalev, having extensive experience, will actively apply it in his work for the benefit of the Samara region.

Another personnel decision was the appointment of Dmitry Yakovlev as assistant to the governor for the development of professional sports and the construction of sports infrastructure facilities.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev emphasized: Dmitry Nikolaevich’s professionalism and experience as Minister of Sports will help us solve the problems we face.

Discussing the main issues on the agenda, the meeting participants summed up the interim results of the agricultural harvesting campaign. The results were reported by the acting Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Samara Region Nikolai Abashin.

As of October 14, the harvest of grain and leguminous crops in the Samara Region amounted to 1,188 thousand hectares, which corresponds to 96% of the harvested area. 2 million 475 thousand tons of grain were threshed with an average yield of 20.8 cents per hectare. The leaders in the yield of grain and leguminous crops were Stavropolsky, Koshkinsky, Privolzhsky and Chelno-Vershinsky municipalities. In addition, the soybean harvest is nearing completion in the region, and the oil flax crop has been completely harvested.

"The lack of fixed assets forces farmers to work in extended periods of agricultural technologies. To achieve technological independence of agricultural production in the region, we need to purchase at least 700 tractors and 180 combines annually," said Nikolai Abashin.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev instructed the regional Ministry of Finance and the administration, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, to consider the possibility of additional allocation of the regional budget for the modernization and technical equipment of agro-industrial complexes, and already this year more than 100 million rubles are needed to update the equipment.

The head of the region heard the report of the acting Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and set a number of tasks. One of them is organizing work to quickly complete the harvesting campaign.

"There has been almost no precipitation since August 3-10. There was very little precipitation, and in some areas there was none at all. For next year's harvest, more winter crops have been sown in the farm than last year. However, in the fall and spring, there is a risk of winter crops dying, especially if crops are weakened," he emphasized, adding that the provincial governor would work with relevant ministries and insurance companies to resolve the issue of reimbursement of costs for agricultural enterprises. Insufficient germination of winter crops sown for the 2025 harvest.

Separately, the head of the region emphasized the importance of increasing production by 25% by 2030 in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which instructed to provide regional support measures for the purchase of mineral fertilizers for farms until 2025.

According to Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, in the current situation, enterprises involved in seed production need special support.

"Within the framework of the food security doctrine, the share of domestic seeds of the main agricultural crops should reach 75% in 2030. In this regard, we instruct the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture of the Samara Region to expand the goal of state support measures by including seed production equipment in the list of equipment purchases," he said.

As noted by the head of the regional control center of the Samara region, Dina Cheremushkina, a total of about 10 thousand requests were recorded in social networks and feedback platforms.

While examining specific issues that residents address to regional leaders, the governor drew attention to the problem of Vera Kudryashova, namely the lack of bus service in the village of Dudachny in the Volzhsky District.

Vladimir Medvedev, head of the Volga Autonomous Okrug, explained: Work is currently underway to organize an autonomous road from the village of Dudachny with a final stop in the microdistrict "Yuzhny Gorod". The new route is planned to be launched in January 2025 and will include stops in the villages of Dudachny, Tridtsat, Podem-Mikhailovka, Yablonovy Ovrag and Dubovy Umet.

The villagers also sent a mass appeal to the local leader asking him to open a feldsher-midwife station in Dudachiny.

"In August of this year, a contract was signed for the supply and installation of a new medical and obstetric center using prefabricated modular structures in the village of Dudachny. We plan to complete the construction of new medical centers and obtain permits for medical activities no later than December 2024," said Armen Benyan, Acting Minister of Health of the Samara Region.


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