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Media League disqualifies blogger Litvin for attacking fan during match

Media League disqualified blogger Litvin for attacking a fan during a match.

Media League disqualifies blogger Litvin for 6 months for attacking fan

Media League disqualified blogger Mikhail Litvin for attacking a fan during a match. The head of the Media League, Nikolai Osipov, told RBC about this.

The blogger was suspended for six months. "Such aggression is unjustified and has no place in our tournament. Litvin apologized to us. In the future, the federation will pay more attention to moral and ethical issues," Osipov said.

The Chairman of the Federation of Mass Media added that the organization is preparing a number of disciplinary regulations. They will establish responsibility for the use of obscene language by the team's fans.

Earlier, the court arrested Litvin for 13 days. He was found guilty under Article 20.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("minor violent act").

The blogger's arrest was announced on October 12. He reportedly ran up to the opponent's stand, where rapper and SKA owner Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) was located, and hit one of his fans.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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