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On the Yenisei, a sharply increased cormorant population threatens valuable fish species

In the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station reservoir alone, the number of cormorants reaches 35 thousand, which significantly exceeds the normal population. Scientists propose allowing bird hunting in order to forcibly regulate the number of birds. Hunters note that cormorant meat is unpleasant for humans and requires a certain technological processing for consumption.

The Yenisei River cormorant population is growing and valuable fish species are dying out. According to scientists, the birds hunt whitefish, peled and omul, threatening both local fish species and fishing grounds. Previously, cormorants were extremely rare in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and lived mainly on Lake Baikal and in Tuva. For example, the first nests in Khakassia began to be discovered only in 2013.

But now the cormorant population has increased dramatically. In the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station reservoir alone, their number reaches 35 thousand. Scientists believe that if cormorant hunting were allowed, it would be possible to control the population of these birds.

Game expert and editor-in-chief of the magazine “Okhota” Valery Kuzenkov agrees with this.

This year, Krasnoyarsk Krai is already considering the possibility of allowing cormorant hunting. But there are difficulties. Firstly, it is necessary to actually record the damage, and this is not a quick matter, - said state investigator, chief expert of the Angarsk regional group of the Department of State Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Protection. Use of Wild Animals and Their Habitats, Alexander Ivanov. Secondly, cormorant hunting is not so simple and they are not very attractive to hunters, so their numbers may have to be regulated in other ways.

Source: - деловой портал - деловой портал

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