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More than 20 people were injured during the filming of a movie in the Leningrad region. A wooden platform collapsed under the extras

During filming in the Leningrad region, more than 20 people were injured. A wooden platform collapsed under the crowd.

Vasily Terkin During filming, the scenery collapsed, resulting in 23 people being injured.

The death toll rose to 23 when the set of the film "Vasily Terkin" collapsed in the Leningrad region. According to local authorities, most of the injuries were abrasions and bruises. A woman was also hospitalized in a moderate condition with fractures in both legs.

Filming took place in the Tolmachevsky urban settlement. During field work, the wooden platform on which the extras were located collapsed. The victims were taken to the Luga Regional Hospital.

Karen Gevorkyan, the film's director, said she was not hurt in the incident. The director added that he lost his glasses and would probably never find them again because they could have broken.

"No criminal incident occurred. Filming must continue, this is a national issue. (...) The actors were not harmed, there were extras on stage," Gevorkyan explained.

According to the filmmakers, an ambulance was legally on the set. For this reason, doctors immediately began to provide assistance to the victims. Several more ambulances were also called to the scene.

Gevorkyan reported that there were children among those injured as a result of the collapse of the scenery during filming. According to him, minors received bruises. At the same time, the director emphasized that there were no fractures among the children.

According to the Leningrad Region Health Committee, nine minors were injured in the emergency. All of them received the necessary medical care. No one required hospitalization.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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