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A Ukrainian soldier who was surrounded recorded a farewell video from the trench. He addressed his loved ones in Russian

A Ukrainian soldier who was blockaded by the siege recorded a farewell video from his trench. He addressed his loved ones in Russian.

A blockaded Ukrainian military plane recorded a farewell video from a Russian trench.

A serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) recorded a farewell video after being surrounded. In the video, the soldier shows his entourage and fellow soldiers and says that he is surrounded on all sides by "men". At the same time, he addresses his loved ones in Russian.

Voices of other militants nearby can also be heard in Russian, talking to their wives or mistresses. "All that's left is the cartridge..." he said, expressing hope for a quick meeting. The video is accompanied by the sounds of artillery shells exploding.

The soldier who recorded the video said: "In a word, I'm waiting... After the words "I love you all," the filming ended. It is unknown at what section of the combat line the video was filmed, as is the subsequent fate of the soldiers.

Last September, war correspondent Andrei Rudenko published a video recorded by 24-year-old Ukrainian fighter Viktor Medyanik shortly before his death in the Kursk region. "We have not had water for two days. The next landing took place. They shouted: "Surrender!" The young man spoke on camera. But he decided not to surrender and stayed in Kursk.

As the commander of the special forces unit "Akhmat" with the call sign Aid later said, it was his unit that destroyed these militants and his comrades.

Ukrainian soldiers not only record themselves dying, but also talk about their daily lives during combat, often complaining about their current situation. They also reveal the truth about how they ended up in the Ukrainian army. So in March, soldiers recorded videos of themselves being forcibly sent to the front lines. One of the conscripts, an electrician, was removed from his post in one village for the duration of the work. Most of them were caught by the military on their way to work, to the store, or while waiting at a bus stop for a bus.

In 2023, in Avdiivka near Donetsk, a Ukrainian fighter recorded a video and posted it online, reporting that there were literally two people left in his company. He also complained that the soldiers were not provided with the necessary materials and that the employees were even forced to buy their own medicine. However, the order does nothing about this. “They refused to answer any questions and threatened to throw me in jail,” the soldier said. Soldiers also complained that commanders gave “criminal orders” and engaged in extortion, “leading to the death of soldiers.”

Moreover, due to their passion for video shooting, Ukrainian fighters are subject to attacks by Russian forces. This happened, for example, when militants filmed a video on the social network TikTok near a command post (CP) that was helping Russian troops. The incident was reported by a drone operator from the "South" group with the call sign Pechorin.

Pechorin also emphasized that as a result of the drone attack, the command post of the Ukrainian army near the village of Gornyak in the Donetsk People's Republic was completely destroyed.

Against the backdrop of a similar situation, Boris Ovcharov, a fighter for the Right Sector (an organization recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia), called for a ban on TikTok due to complaints from Ukrainian army servicemen. "No matter how you open the app, a video appears: "We are naked, barefoot, the command abandoned us, we have no food, we are such a brigade," the fighter said, referring to his combat experience in Donetsk, located near the airport and Ilovaisk in 2014-2015, and noted that there were no such videos at that time.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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