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Vladivostok microdistrict under siege by heating engineers: street completely cut off from the city

Residents of the Borisenko-Safonov microdistrict in Vladivostok continue to survive under siege from heat workers who dug up roads to repair the thermal power plant, making movement around the microdistrict increasingly difficult, the DEITA news agency reports. R.U.

Another complaint in the Vladivostok administration's Telegram chat was received from a resident of house No. 53 on Grizodubova Street. The man wrote that on October 12 he was unable to leave the area by car because all the passages had been dug up. Residents have reasonable concerns. What will happen if a fire truck or ambulance has to drive up to your house? Another resident of the microdistrict said that on October 12 the entire Grizodubova Street was cut off from the rest of the area. (There is social infrastructure on this street (School No. 21, Kindergarten No. 49).)

Another resident wrote that they were unable to receive furniture delivery on Saturday because their driveway was dug up without warning. The delivery truck was unable to reach the recipient, and although the delivery fee was paid, the vehicle left. Now you will have to pay for delivery a second time.

The Vladivostok Municipal Institution responded to angry messages from city residents by stating that the reconstruction of the heating network in the Pervomaisky District will be completed by October 15, when the heating season begins. But residents doubt whether the heating crews will be able to complete the work and restore the entrance in three days.

We remind you that, according to official estimates, the degree of wear and tear of Vladivostok's heating networks reaches 90%. This is the second year of large-scale reconstruction, and last year we were unable to install heating by the start of the heating season. Although the prosecutor's office intervened in the situation, it was not possible to quickly resolve the problem. For example, maternity hospital #3 and the student dormitory in the area of ​​Gogolya and Derzhavina streets froze.

Commenting on this year's work in the Perovmaisky and Frunzensky districts of Vladivostok, VPES reported that it will take several years to replace all of the city's old heating networks, including: This means that next year we will obviously be waiting for the next excavations, turning off hot water all summer and cold water until early November.

Source: DEITA.RU  Новости России и Дальнего ВостокаDEITA.RU Новости России и Дальнего Востока

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