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Demand from citizens of other countries for trips to Russia has doubled

The number of foreign tourists visiting Russia in September of this year has doubled compared to last year, Kommersant reports, citing a study by the Ostrovok service.

Vice President of the Union of Tourism Industry of Russia Dmitry Gorin noted in September that the ruble exchange rate could affect tourist flows.

According to the study, based on hotel bookings, the majority of tourists are currently Asians (41%). In 2024, tourists from the Middle East accounted for 31% of bookings, followed by tourists from post-Soviet countries - 12%, Europe - 11% and Africa, Latin America and the United States - 5%.

Sergey Romashkin, Vice President of the Association of Travel Agents of Russia, noted that the interest of citizens of Georgia and Turkey in traveling to Russia is growing more and more.

However, the number of foreigners visiting Russia has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels. From January to September of this year, tourist flows remained seven times lower than in 2019.

However, the Ostrovok service notes that tourist flows to Russia will gradually increase, growing by 5-8% per year until 2027.

Earlier, ATOR published the results of a study of outbound tourist flows from Russia. Turkey became the clear leader among the countries where Russians will prefer to spend their holidays in 2024. According to the research, a visit of about 5 million Russians is expected.

In mid-August, Russian tourist trips also increased significantly. Among organized tourists, Turkey was the undisputed leader, and within the country, there was increased demand for Crimea.

Source: Деловой ПетербургДеловой Петербург

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