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Yakut hara-kiri: deputies cancel direct mayoral elections

Local Duma deputies proposed to cancel direct elections not only for the mayor of Yakutsk, but also for all administrative centers of the region. The plan was supported by the mayor of Yakutsk, a member of the Russian Federation, elected in direct elections in 2021.

It is proposed to amend the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in a Unified System of State Institutions." The plan was discussed in Yakutsk at a round table attended by deputies of the National Assembly of Yakutia, city council deputies, members of the Republican Council and representatives of the public.

Once the decision of the Yakut legislators is finally approved, members of the local government will appoint a mayor from among the candidates proposed by the governor.

Mayor Grigoryev believes that the proposed amendments are aimed at implementing the provisions on the unification of the national system of civil rights adopted in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 2020.

By the way, former mayor of Yakutia Sardana Avksentyeva stated in a comment to Kommersant that this decision was a mistake. "A mayor elected by residents is directly accountable to residents."

Source: DEITA.RU  Новости России и Дальнего ВостокаDEITA.RU Новости России и Дальнего Востока

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