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Book Reviews | Mathematics is the language of God

• There is a joke. During a math lesson at school, the teacher writes on the board, and the students raise their hands and ask: - Igor Ivanovich, will all this math of yours be useful to me? To which the teacher replies: "No, it will only be useful to smart children." • Mathematics is the language of God. He gave it to us so that we could organize our lives with dignity. • Mathematics develops a person in all directions. • Mathematics is the most difficult of all existing sciences. Mathematics is like a multi-story building. The next floor will be inaccessible if you have not mastered the previous floor. • Mathematics, unlike other sciences, has been developing steadily for 3,000 years. This is not like physics. This theory is incorrect. Now there will be a new theory. Physics is not an exact science. As in mathematics, there is no logic here. • School grades are not an indicator. In mathematics, A denotes a person's ability to quickly copy, reproduce behavior according to a given pattern. Mathematics is creativity, the ability to find solutions independently and the ability to think outside the box. • Digitalization of education, transition to distance learning. The desire for new technologies has forced teachers to teach in real time, minimizing digital sources, and has led to a decrease in the quality of pedagogical education. Little attention is paid to subject education and psychology. Unified State Exam. It is not necessary to cancel it at the same time. This is too bold, but we need to modernize our tests.

Or, as my math teacher said, she is the queen of science, and I learned this in math class. I think many SmartLab residents should know Alexey Savvateev, a Russian popularizer of mathematics. He recently published a new book called "Living Mathematics", a non-mathematical book about inspiration, science, education and life. It has no mathematical formulas and is divided into three parts: Mathematics, Modern Education. - This is the part where Alexey talks about his family, children, how he survived his alcohol problem, his relationship with God (Alexey is a believer) and how it relates to science. About mathematics and its role in human life. As a simple math lover and mother of a smart son (2nd grade), I found it interesting to read. A few quotes: Part 3 Alex criticizes the current education system and says that we (the country) have lost a lot. The key issue: at the same time, there are proposals to "save our schools." - Raise salaries - Get rid of screens and electronic journals - Train teachers well so that the best and brightest get to school. - Reduce reporting to 0. Children will agree with many people. Choosing a good school and a good primary education is not easy. A lot of responsibility here lies with parents. Almost every day, my son and I talk and discuss a lot, solving five difficult non-standard problems in mathematics. If you see your child's abilities, you need to help him reveal them. You can't leave everything to the school. I understand teachers, their workload and salary. You can't demand much from them. This is a systemic problem. But this book motivates us and our children to broaden our horizons. For those interested in mathematics and for children in grades 5-6-7-8-9, Alexey has a product called "100 Lessons in Mathematics", but also for adults. Watch more often. I gave this book a 4 because it is not for everyone and there are no unnecessary disappointments. It took me until 13:00 to read this book. And it was like talking to a very smart person and listening to her opinion and her attitude to many things happening in Russia. Somewhere she nodded in agreement, somewhere she argued. By the way, I also entered the mechanics and mathematics department of KSU (almost MSU, only in Kazan 😀), where I became a teacher of mathematics and English. I got in, but in the end I chose the economics department (Economic College).

Source: - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки

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러시아의 잠재력과 역사에서 알 수 있듯이 러시아는 군사적 수단으로 패배할 수 없다고 토카예프는 믿습니다. 그는 우크라이나의 평화적 정착을 촉구했고 그 대안은 '절멸전쟁'이다.

카심-조마르트 토카예프 공화국 대통령은 아스타나 싱크탱크 포럼 총회에서 러시아는 군사적으로 무적이며 카자흐스탄은 우크라이나의 평화로운 정착을 위한 옵션을 모색하는 것이 필요하다고 생각한다고 말했습니다.

“러시아는 군사적으로 무적이다. 이는 러시아의 군사적 잠재력, [블라디미르] 푸틴 대통령의 정책에 대한 이 나라 국민의 지지, 그리고 역사 자체로 확인된 사실입니다. 따라서 우리는 평화적 해결을 위한 대안을 모색하고 중국과 브라질을 포함한 모든 국가의 현실적인 계획을 지지하는 것이 필요하다고 생각합니다. 다른 방법은 없다”고 말했다(탱그리뉴 인용).

Tokayev에 따르면 대안 시나리오는 "심연으로가는 길"인 "상호 근절 전쟁"이 될 것입니다. “건설적인 협상을 통해 평화를 추구하는 것은 나약함의 표시가 아니라 전략적 신중함의 표시입니다.”라고 그는 결론지었습니다.

카자흐스탄 대통령은 모스크바와 키예프 양국에 분쟁의 평화적 해결을 거듭 촉구했습니다. 동시에 그는 DPR과 LPR을 아스타나가 인식하지 못하는 '준국가 영토'라고 불렀습니다.

지난 6월 푸틴 대통령은 DPR, LPR, 자포로제, 헤르손 지역에서 우크라이나군을 철수하고 이들 4개 지역과 크리미아 반도를 러시아 영토로 국제적으로 인정하는 등 협상 개시 조건을 발표했다.

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