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State Duma deputies propose to adopt a bill banning childfree propaganda

Moscow, October 15, FederalPress. The State Duma Committee on Information Policy recommended adopting in the first reading the bill banning propaganda of the ideology of children's freedom. We will publish the details of the decision in the FederalPress article.

Together with Volodin, the Chairperson of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko and a group of deputies and senators developed a bill to ban free propaganda for children. State Duma deputies proposed to ban the dissemination of information promoting the refusal to give birth via the Internet, media, films and advertising. Amendments are being made to Articles 10.6 and 15.1 of the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information" and some legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

According to Volodin, the goal of the bill is to stop subversive content that influences people's reproductive decisions. As reported by Interfax, the State Duma Chairman believes that without a ban, the demographic problem cannot be solved.

Let's remember that in Russia, every year, they recall the Soviet fiscal practice - the tax on childless and single people. Most often, it is proposed to introduce it to increase the birth rate. FederalPress explains what the tax on childlessness was in the USSR, why it was introduced, who had to pay it and whether such a measure is possible in our time.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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