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"Asymptomatic Covid Again": A Strain Even More Mysterious Than Previous Ones Has Appeared

"Patients may experience various symptoms. "As four years ago, most of them complained of loss of smell, high temperature, high fever and a terrible cough," therapist Anna Potapova told MK.

She said that since this is, in principle, the time of acute respiratory viral infections, other infections may be hidden behind the symptoms of Corona. Moreover, coronaviruses have absolutely nothing to do with temperature changes, autumn, slush, the disease is not seasonal, and adenoviruses or rhinoviruses may be hidden under its mask.

Testing is useless because strains mutate so quickly that test manufacturers cannot keep up.

"Many people get sick several times due to different combinations of infections," explains pathologist Zhanna Schmidt from Marburg. - Infections occur 5-6-7 times a year. Immunity decreases. Autopsies also showed a significant increase in the number of thromboses. Pneumococcal and streptococcal infections were also encountered. The frequency of lung diseases caused by various pathogens has also increased. Atypical pneumonia, pneumonia...

Many experts believe there is a reason why humanity's immunity has declined. The pandemic has had a serious impact on both the health and mental health of citizens. Stress also weakens the body's defenses. So, what used to be a simple sneeze is now sending people to the hospital with pneumonia.

It's surprising that no one recommends getting vaccinated in 2021. But back then, we were told that the only salvation from COVID-19 was vaccination. But times have changed, as has the way we make citizens protect their health.


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