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Don't store zucchini with these red bellies - it will rot and you'll throw it away in three days.

Do not store pumpkins with red pears. It will rot and be thrown away within 3 days.

In the world of vegetable growing, pumpkin occupies a special place. These fruits are not only tasty and healthy, but can also please us for a long time after harvesting. But to enjoy fresh pumpkin in winter, you need to know a few tips on storage. This is reported on the Zen channel "Antonov's Garden - Dacha and Garden-Garden".

Choosing the right variety is the key to success. Pumpkins have a thick skin and few seeds inside, which makes them suitable for long-term storage. Varieties such as "Aral", "Festivalny" or "Zolotoy Kupka" are suitable for this purpose. With proper care, the fruit can stay fresh for up to six months.

The process of preparing pumpkins for storage begins in the garden. It is important to harvest before the first frost and carefully cut the fruits so as not to damage the skin. After harvesting, the pumpkins should be dried in a dry room for 24 hours. Washing is not recommended, as this can shorten the shelf life. If there are traces of dirt on the bark, they can be carefully wiped off with a dry cloth.

The ideal conditions for storing pumpkins are temperatures from +4 to +10 degrees and humidity of about 80%. Such conditions can usually be created in a basement or insulated loggia. In the cellar, pumpkins are best placed in one row on shelves covered with straw. If you do not have a basement, you can make a special thermos on the balcony or store a small amount of zucchini in the refrigerator.

It is important to remember that pumpkins do not like to be near apples, which emit ethylene, accelerating the process of rotting vegetables. But they go well with carrots and beets. Regular inspection of stored pumpkins will help prevent the spread of rot, promptly detecting and removing spoiled fruits.

If you follow all these rules, you will be able to enjoy fresh pumpkin for several months after harvesting, which will diversify your winter diet and preserve your supply of vitamins.

Source: Pro Город ЯрославльPro Город Ярославль

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