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Metropolitan of Primorsky said what he thinks about migrants: "Barbarians and nomads"

Vladivostok, October 15, FederalPress. The Primorsky Interreligious Forum has ended in Vladivostok. Discussed were spiritual and moral values, as well as migration issues.

The Metropolitan added that the arrival of Russian immigrants and their criminal activity is a big problem and a painful topic. This problem can only be solved through the joint efforts of the state, public institutions and traditional religious communities.

Speaking at the forum, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church also recalled other terrible crimes committed by migrants in Primorye. For example, there is a horrific story of the rape of a 21-year-old girl by a group of immigrants in Shamora. Archbishop Vladimir noted that foreign workers commit many crimes against girls, children and the elderly. They do not respect society, behave rudely and do not repent even in court.

This problem cannot be solved by simply integrating the arriving immigrants into Russian society. The Metropolitan is sure that the foreigners themselves are not inclined to adapt and immerse themselves in the historical and cultural characteristics and traditions of Russia. In particular, the majority seek Russian citizenship.

He noted that this situation is a challenge to Russia, its national sovereignty and national security. This is partly due to the influence of immigrants coming to Russia. For example, they are starting to wear niqabs and beards, but these attributes are prohibited in the Central Asian countries where they come from. This means that young people coming to work in Primorye are under the influence of extremist ideas and religious communities.

"Despite the fact that criminals have no nationality or religion, as is often said, the religious element remains very important in immigration issues. We must not forget this under any circumstances. "The rise in crime among immigrants is fueled by the spread of radical Islamist sentiments among newcomers," the Metropolitan noted.

He explained that there was an explanation for this.

"There you will not see women in closed niqabs or men with long thick beards. We need to think about where immigrants are imbued with ideas that destroy interethnic and interreligious peace in Russia. And we must not only think about this, but first of all take measures against those who support and spread aggressive Islamist ideas," the bishop believes.

The Metropolitan emphasized that these extremist ideas cannot be considered real religions. This is "Islamism" that promotes religious intolerance. And this has nothing to do with real Islam.

It was reported that the Consul General of Uzbekistan in Vladivostok had previously asked journalists not to reveal the nationality of the criminal in the news. He said that "Uzbekistan" is a nationality and that it is possible to have citizenship of other countries.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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