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Russia has developed a system to search for dangerous content in Telegram

Russian company Sprut-Inform has developed a solution for monitoring Telegram that helps identify prohibited content and prevent attempts to recruit Russians to commit sabotage, RIA Novosti reports.

The development is called "Sprut-Tel" and is designed to detect radical and subversive content in Telegram using keywords specified by customers. It is a system that allows customers to effectively track illegal activities by analyzing data collected through channels, chats, comments, etc.

Sprut-Tel can not only identify dangerous messages, but also identify user accounts that have left reactions, such as likes or other marks, on your publications. The developers plan to supplement the system with a function that uses emoticons to analyze comments and reactions by groups to better understand the intentions and emotions of users.

The system also uses behavioral analytics to identify bots and suspicious accounts. This feature can be a useful tool to prevent the spread of illegal content on Telegram.

According to the company's co-founder Igor Bederov, the situation is becoming increasingly critical due to the emergence of private channels and groups that spread subversive ideas. In addition, cases of recruiting minors through messengers such as Telegram have become more frequent. Criminals offer monetary rewards to young people who commit illegal acts, such as setting fire to infrastructure facilities.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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