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The set during the filming of the movie in the Leningrad region may not have been sufficiently reinforced

The set of Vasily Terkin's film, which collapsed along with the extras, may not have been sufficiently reinforced, our source at the scene reported.

Let me remind you that it all happened today at one of the training grounds in the village of Tolmachevsky, where they are filming a movie based on the poem of the same name by Alexander Tvardovsky. At some point, the floor of the platform collapsed, and people fell to the ground.

According to the press service of the Leningrad Region administration, 23 people sought medical help after the incident. In most cases, the injuries are bruises and abrasions. One woman was hospitalized with fractures of both shins.

The film's director is Karen Gevorkyan. The director fell from the platform together with his cameraman, but was not injured. He later told that the incident would not affect the filming process in any way.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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