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Saving the World or Turning It into a Branch of Hell: What Will the Fight Against Global Warming Turn Out to Be?

The monstrous hurricane "Helen" hit the United States, destroying everything in its path. Wind speeds reached 360 km per hour. America had not seen such a catastrophe since Katrina. Bridges and roads collapsed, the city was flooded. As reported by the media, the flooding was truly catastrophic. At least 200 dead people were found on the streets and even in trees. Thousands of people were missing, and millions were left homeless. Everything was destroyed: homes, offices, lives.

American citizen: "Everything is destroyed! What I like most is my job, my business. I have lost everything!

Nepal's capital is rapidly sinking. All of Kathmandu's rivers have burst their banks, and the floodwaters and mud have destroyed buildings and buried residents. The bodies of 14 people were initially found, and 17 more were later found.

The same picture was seen in Europe just two weeks ago. Twenty people were reported dead in devastating floods that wreaked havoc across Central Europe. Storm Boris' path passed through Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy. People were evacuated by helicopter and boat, with many losing everything.

In Korea, massive forest fires have been recorded in several regions at once. The same thing is happening in northern Canada. Now it’s not just the Relict Forest that is burning this summer. The emirate is still struggling with the aftermath of spring flooding in the heart of the desert. Hiding your head in the sand is no longer an option. Global warming will hit you, no matter where you are on Earth.

The direction of scientists' thinking about human influence on climate changes like a weather vane. At first, the Industrial Revolution was blamed. They say that coal was used in factories, and soot settled in the atmosphere, and black particles attracted heat and caused global warming.

Environmentalists have begun to combat harmful emissions and are significantly reducing their volumes. However, the Earth's temperature is rising. The wind of change is now blowing in Great Britain. Scientists from Oxford, on the contrary, have proven that smoke from ship engines pollutes the air, slows down global warming and causes chemicals to return to the atmosphere.

By burning hydrocarbon fuels, humans release megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. It heats the Earth, but along with CO2, other impurities, such as sulfur dioxide, also enter the air. According to scientists, it is this substance that cools the Earth.

Amy Clement, professor of marine and atmospheric sciences at the University of Miami, US, said: "Over the years, we've learned that soot has a negative impact on the environment. The Clean Air Act helped us reduce emissions. But the cooling effect of soot in the atmosphere has also disappeared, and warming has accelerated."

Sulfur dioxide aerosols stick to water vapor in clouds, making them denser and brighter. They turn into giant mirrors. This is a hypothesis. Is there any evidence? Yes. In 1991, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted. The fiery mountain ejected 20 million tons of ash or sulfur dioxide. Aerosols spread across the entire Earth. The Earth's temperature dropped by 1 degree. The effect lasted for about a year. Now climatologists are asking: How can you do the same thing without a volcano?

David Keith, professor at Harvard University: “If we continue to emit billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and do not cool it, we will burn alive.”

David Keith: "Solar geoengineering is the idea that humans could deliberately alter the Earth's radiation balance. That's the balance between sunlight entering the atmosphere and reflecting it back. "That's what creates the climate."

Essentially, it's a global thermostat that can regulate its own temperature. David Keith's planetary-scale project. He proposes creating a fleet of aircraft that could spray chemicals into the stratosphere, blanketing the Earth in a layer of reflective particles.

David Keith: "This part of the atmosphere is twice as high as a normal plane flies. The aerosol will remain intact for about two years. "If only 1% of the solar radiation is reflected, the effect of carbon dioxide emissions is offset."

To test the theory, climate scientists have developed an experiment. It involves launching giant balloons into the sky that create chemical clouds several kilometers across. The project costs $3 million. But what does this amount mean to Bill Gates, who is obsessed with saving the planet and donates money to experiments?

The launch was planned beyond the Arctic Circle, namely in Sweden, but protests by Lapland residents and Greta Thunberg forced the Swedish authorities to personally ban the launch. What exactly scared them? At least the fact that geoengineering can destroy the blue sky, the northern lights and, in fact, everything.

Bill Hare, a climate scientist and CEO of Climate Analytics, said: "This is dangerous climate intervention. It's very unwise to do this kind of experiment. We don't understand the impact on monsoons and rainfall patterns. "If geoengineering is implemented and then stopped, the Earth will go into heat shock."

Gates vs. Thunberg. This battle of climate titans stopped Professor Keith's experiment. or not? An American blogger provides evidence of the existence of chemtrails. He claims that the white traces in the air are not actually condensation from aircraft engines, but traces of chemical aerosols that governments spray to monitor people and the weather.

Kimberly Carter Gamble, blogger (USA): "They spray chemicals like aluminum, barium, and strontium into the atmosphere. These metals end up in our bodies, soil, food, and water. "Traditional airplane trails disappear within minutes, but the heavy metals in chemtrails can cause these trails to persist for a long time."

One in five Americans believes this conspiracy theory. Serious scientists scoff. But there are already companies in the United States that are spraying chemicals into the air. Luke and Andrew are Silicon Valley programmers. They decided they didn’t have time to wait for scientists to weigh the pros and cons, so they created a startup that will send biodegradable sulfur dioxide balloons into the stratosphere on your behalf for $10.

Luke Eiseman, director of Make Sunsets, said: "This project needs to be fully funded and carried out in serious laboratories under international supervision. "If that happens, we'll be happy to close down, but now we have to do it ourselves."

What effect can a thousand balloons have on the climate? But the balance of nature is a perfect equation. Changing even one variable can lead to disaster. Guam is proof. This island in the Pacific Ocean became an American colony after World War II. A military base was built here and farm fields were laid out to provide food for the garrison, but rats prevented the harvest. The problem had to be solved. Scientists believe that poisoning rodents is not environmentally friendly and have proposed bringing snakes to the island, poisonous but harmless to humans.

The brown pike on Guam had no natural enemies. The snakes multiplied quickly, killing all the rats, and then almost all the birds and insects. Today, the small island is home to two million snakes, which eat chickens and kill cats. Boygas crawl out of bathtubs and scare people. Without the birds, Guam would have no fertilizer for plants. Young trees no longer grow here. Of course, if scientists do not find a solution, the island risks turning into a lifeless rock swarming with snakes.

"By spreading poisoned dead rat bait, you can dramatically reduce the number of snakes in the forest," said Shane Sears, who works on an invasive vertebrate project on the island of Guam.

American scientists are dropping millions of poisonous rats into the jungle from helicopters. How can you go wrong?

Source: НТВ.ru - Новости, видео, прямой эфир телеканала НТВНТВ.ru - Новости, видео, прямой эфир телеканала НТВ

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