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Refugee tells how the Ukrainian Armed Forces blew up a multi-story building in Ugledar: “People moaned for several days”

DONETSK, October 13, FederalPress. Ukrainian military in Ugledar destroyed a multi-story building where people groaned for days under the rubble, unable to get out. Refugees evacuated from the city told the details.

The woman sent a message and told TASS.Ru that she went up to the top floor because it was the only place where residents of the nine-story building could contact her before the bombing by Ukrainian troops. I sent messages and called my relatives. Ukrainian soldiers asked the residents if there was a network there, and they answered: no.

"They (the Ukrainian army) found out about it later. Maybe someone told us. And they shot at the house and it collapsed. "At that point, six people were dead, and the youngest, Gleb, was 16 years old and he went there to download a game," the refugee recalls.

After this, the residents turned to the Ukrainian military for help, since they were unable to remove the slabs themselves, but the Ukrainian militants refused, which is why "people groaned under the rubble for several days." A resident of Ugledar also said that Gleb's mother, who died after the building collapsed, came to the rubble for a long time, brought cookies and sat for a long time where her son died.

Earlier, FederalPress reported that the first residents were evacuated from Vugledar. While people were inside the city, Russian troops provided them with assistance. Local residents mostly hid in the basements of their houses. Because it was a safer place. Currently, 115 residents of the village, including children, remain in Vugledar.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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