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Security forces destroy criminal channel of migrant invasion in Yaroslavl

300 foreigners who arrived in Yaroslavl through criminal means have already been expelled from the country.

Migrants are increasingly involved in emergencies in Yaroslavl. Reports of rapes, murders, drug trafficking and even kidnappings indicate a high percentage of "guests" from neighboring countries! Foreigners are often mentioned in the context of street fights on social networks. Pro City figured out who is to blame and what to do.

Not long ago, the underground migration route in the Yaroslavl region was closed. Two people from neighboring countries, living in Rostov the Great, patented their work, selling and passing on to their compatriots via the Internet fake certificates of proficiency in Russian, knowledge of history and laws of the country. That is, "Ravshans" and "Dzhamshuds" can get a job in the Yaroslavl region without even knowing the basics of "hello" and "thank you". For example, it is difficult to imagine how such an inexperienced worker will lay a layer of asphalt...

Thus, since the beginning of the year, 296 people have been banned from entering Russia from the Yaroslavl region and subsequently. In October alone, 16 criminal cases were opened against migrants as a result of raids by security forces.

Pro City spoke about migration issues in the region with the head of the Yaroslavl branch of the Passport and Visa Service of the Yaroslavl Region of Russia, Andrey Golkin. His department is responsible for checking the documents of immigrants coming to work in Russia.

If you want to stay in Russia for some time, you will have to go through several authorities.

- If there is a legal basis, it is as follows. Citizens arriving in Russia from Uzbekistan or Tajikistan must register at their place of stay within 10 days of crossing the border, undergo a medical examination, pass a test in Russian language and history, and submit documents to the authorized body or immigration service to obtain a patent or work permit.

Source: Pro Город ЯрославльPro Город Ярославль

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