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Russia Wants to Ban Internet Speed ​​Test Meter

Russia may ban the use of the American Internet speed meter SpeedTest, Izvestia reports. The proposal by the International Academy of Communications (IAC) has already received support in the State Duma and the FSB.

The Chairman of the SVA Anastasia Ositis in her speech in the State Duma indicated that the company Ookla, which owns the service, closely cooperates with the US intelligence services. The document states that SpeedTest allows collecting data from communication networks that can be used to organize cyber attacks on the information resources of any state.

MAS academician Sergey Melnik said that the test control system allows obtaining information about the communications network: its configuration, the equipment used, the load and the bandwidth. “Operators must remove any Ookla software that they are currently using from their information systems,” he added.

Earlier it was reported that thousands of fake and extremist websites were blocked in Russia. Thus, in Russia over a year and a half, illegal information was blocked or removed from 140 thousand Internet resources.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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