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Traumatologist Zohirov: the bone may not heal even after surgery

Non-union of fracture sites – This also occurs in the practice of a traumatologist-orthopedist. Traumatologist and orthopedic surgeon of the SM-Clinic Alisher Zohirov explained to Gazeta.Ru why this happens and what to do if a broken bone does not want to heal.

"Different bones heal differently. The phalanges of the fingers take about 3-4 weeks, the hand - 6 weeks, the heel bone - 6 months. Therefore, each fracture requires a special way of wearing a plaster cast or corset. And this regimen cannot be violated. If the plaster cast is removed prematurely (it is clear that many people like this, because it is uncomfortable to walk with a plaster cast), the bone may not heal. The same can happen if the immobilization (that is, immobilization) is not strict enough," the doctor said.

At the same time, he pointed out that there is a condition in which the fracture does not heal, but the ends of the bones touch, a condition called "pseudarthitis."

"The bone may not heal after surgery. This applies to both the surgery itself (how well the part is fixed) and internal factors (endocrine diseases such as diabetes or rheumatism, which reduce the overall immunity and the bone's ability to heal). Play their role here," the expert said.

What to do if the fracture has not healed? According to traumatologists and orthopedists, in this case surgical treatment is necessary, since the fragments form fibrous tissue that prevents fusion.

"An open operation is performed, during which this fibrous tissue is removed and the ends of the bones are "renewed" during bone grafting. Autologoplasty (the patient's own bone material is used), synthetic materials are also used. All this requires mandatory internal fixation with the help of special devices (plaster is no longer used)," Zohirov said.

He noted that recovery after such an operation takes a long time. That is why traumatologists-orthopedists recommend being patient, wearing a cast immediately after a fracture and caring for the injured limb without removing the cast until the doctor instructs you to do so. It is better to try to ensure that the broken bone heals correctly and reliably.

It was previously revealed that half of Russians look for a doctor based on reviews on the Internet.

Source: Газета.Ru: Главные новости и подробности текущих событийГазета.Ru: Главные новости и подробности текущих событий

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