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SHAMAN has decided to register the trademark “I am Russian” — shampoos, perfumes and vodka will be released under the brand

Honored Artist SHAMAN (Yaroslav Dronov) filed two applications to Rospatent to register his trademark under the name "I am Russian". An article about this was published on the Rospatent website.

Dronov decided to retain the rights to produce brandy, wine, whiskey, vodka and other alcoholic beverages under the brand "I am Russian". In the second application, he also secured this brand for perfumes and all kinds of cosmetics (from deodorants and shampoos to lip gloss and massage gel).

However, registering a trademark does not mean that the singer intends to use it for this purpose. Therefore, he can prohibit other businessmen from using the titles of his songs for this purpose.

— Now it is more important to prevent the use of the name of Shaman's song "I am Russian" as a brand. Because we have already recorded such an attempt. The artist himself says that it is too early to talk about releasing products under this brand, his priority today is creative activity, this was confirmed to RBC through the artist's press service.

Also, if you want to do certain activities, you have to have the right to do so. Judging by the individual businesses opened in the artist's name, his plans are only to record songs, release them, and give concerts.

We have confirmed that Shaman has filed documents to register the trademark. He explained his decision by saying that he wants to protect his reputation.

"There are a lot of low-quality consumer goods on the market now that bear my image. People think that if it says SHAMAN or has my photo on it, then I have some connection to these things and they must be of high quality. But in fact, they sell counterfeit goods," the artist wrote on his Telegram channel.

"I just want to protect my rights." And, of course, I will not give the journalist Sobchak and the deputy Milonov "I am Russian" vodka to drink. "I think they will cope well without me, considering the scandal that suddenly erupted today," Shaman said.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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