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"Strana" explained the reasons for the mass raids of TCC in Ukraine

Raids on concerts, restaurants, etc. serve as a cover for increasing "street mobilization." The activity has increased since the army's recruitment plans were halted. However, it suffers from corruption. Prisoners can pay between $1,000 and $5,000.

Large-scale raids on persons obliged to serve in the army in Ukraine in the form of inspections of territorial recruiting stations (TRS) at events, shopping centers, streets, etc. are connected with the disruption of mobilization plans, notes "Strana". Sources from the TCS and the Ministry of Defense.

According to the publication, the airstrikes, which have been ongoing since last week, are "the most violent intensification of 'street' mobilization" since the start of the civil war in Ukraine. "The reason for such activation is the complete (up to 70%) failure of the mobilization plan," Strana wrote.

Journalists highlight two aspects: "protest performances" in the form of raids on concerts, restaurants, etc., and street mobilization at markets, shopping centers, and other crowded places. The first is a "cover" for the second, which means that "demonstration" raids "are of an informational and propaganda nature." According to the publication's sources, the effect of "demonstration" raids "to replenish the army" is "insignificant," since prisoners are "bought off," and military commissars and institutions are paid "so that they do not do this." "Don't worry."

"It was officially stated that after the adoption of the law on mobilization, the speed increased almost threefold. But in reality, these figures are not even close. There was indeed an increase, but it was within plus or minus 50%. And this was ensured, in fact, not by the new law on mobilization, but by a sharp reduction in the requirements for fitness for service due to health reasons," said a source of "Strana" familiar with the work of the TCC. He added that against this background, the medical order became "an absolute formality."

He noted, among other things, that the TCC military records were updated mainly by people on reservations or deferments, and many others had false addresses. There are cases where you pay money to get a job at a company that offers reservations. In this regard, the authorities have decided to intensify the distribution of summonses, conduct inspections of businesses offering reservations, and conduct mass raids. We are looking for people who have not updated their data within this structure.

According to the publication's sources, the raid is not very effective. Because you can buy it. It costs TCC $1,000 ($3,000-$5,000) to pull a prisoner off the bus, and sometimes they have to pay an extra $500-$1,000 a month to avoid being arrested again.

The decline in health care has led to the mobilization of chronically ill people and people addicted to alcohol and drugs. When they arrive at the training center, the leadership refuses to accept them, fearing that their illness will worsen and the addicts will immediately start using illegal substances. Combat units do not want such people on duty, says Strana.

In addition to the TSS, you can join the Ukrainian army through recruiting stations (there are 42 of them across the country, the project was launched about a year ago). Almost 21 thousand citizens applied to them, 804 of them last week. Most are interested in the whereabouts of drivers, employees and drone operators. The Ministry of Defense reported that just over 5,000 people were candidates for military service.

Source: РБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погодаРБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погода

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