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16 thousand items that cannot be brought into court have been identified in St. Petersburg

Since the beginning of the year, St. Petersburg bailiffs have prevented more than 16,000 prohibited items that pose a threat to others from reaching courts and magistrates' courts. Among the confiscated items were 314 weapons, ammunition, and stun guns.

According to the press service of the Federal Bailiff Service for St. Petersburg, the most common prohibited items that visitors try to bring in are flammable liquids and sharp objects. An example is a case in the Moscow Region, when a lawyer representing the interests of persons accused of serious crimes tried to bring a sharp metal plate to a hearing. Also among the confiscated items were knives, knuckle dusters, and even magic knitting needles.

Over the first nine months of this year, bailiffs have drawn up 920 administrative codes for failure to comply with orders of judges or bailiffs and 439 codes for obstructing lawful activity.

Earlier, wrote that more than 1.3 billion rubles were collected from children in St. Petersburg.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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