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"I prayed for my son to be taken to the hospital": the mother of the boy hit in Shosseinoy talks about the accident and its terrible consequences

The family lives literally 50 meters from the zebra crossing where Denis returns from the store. “A neighbor came running to us and screamed that my child had been hit by a car. She screamed in such a terrible voice! God, I will never forget that moment...” The woman began to cry and continued, unable to control her emotions. “You know, my house is the first one on the road. The child couldn’t even walk a few dozen steps. I was in a hurry to run there, but they grabbed me and held me back. Finally, I made it, and the ambulance was already taking my son away. “I just remember screaming like crazy, begging and begging to be taken to the ambulance.”

On the way, the mother prayed for her son to be taken to the hospital. Dennis was immediately taken to intensive care. Angela says his internal organs were torn, but the worst damage was to his head. It was a strong blow and a large bruise. By October 15, the boy was on a ventilator due to severe chest injuries, a ruptured lung and surgery. A few days ago, the tube was removed and the child began to breathe on his own. From the very beginning, the doctors did not give me a prognosis. It was scary to hear the same thing every day. "Everything is the same, the conditions do not change." "It was impossible, difficult and painful. It was just killing me. I supported and repeated. I know that the child will wake up. I can see it," Angela recalls. Dennis was in a coma for 19 days. My mother and grandmother were allowed to come to the intensive care unit. "Can you imagine what happened to all of us this time? And when I came on the evening of the 20th, I saw that the man had opened his eyes and was looking at me. He looked at me clearly... I don't know if he recognized me or not. I couldn't hold back and cry in front of my son. I couldn't show my tears to my son. And the man left the room and started sobbing..."

In October, the boy was transferred to the neurosurgery department. His mother and grandmother are constantly by his side and replace each other. "Now my son has a wonderful doctor, Nikita Sergeevich. He is a great doctor and a golden man. He gives hope and does everything to help Dennis recover," the boy's mother continues. Due to serious injuries, head injuries, swelling and hematomas, the boy cannot even be fully examined. The doctor says: Denis needs to recover at least a little. "My son's left arm and left leg have begun to move a little. The limbs move slightly. He shakes a lot when he raises his arm a little. For example, you can't scratch your face or eyes. The other day, they tried to sit my son up, but it didn't help. He falls and can't raise his head at all. There were severe convulsions that scared us. Sometimes my mother and I understand that he suffers a lot, that he literally bites his lip terribly, and there is pain and suffering in his eyes. "I feel like I can move, I feel like I'm writhing in pain..." When they removed the stoma from his neck, they hoped the boy would say something. But Denis is silent. At first, the child was fed through a tube, and now he is fed with a spoon. He can only swallow two or three spoons. "But we try to run home and cook everything fresh, chop it up and bring it to Deniska," the woman says.

The doctor is sure that the child will recover. Angela discussed with her doctor the possibility of transferring her son to a federal clinic. "The doctors said that they will do everything for this, but Denis needs to get a little stronger and at least sit up. We need to investigate him further, after which we can immediately send Denis to Moscow. "The doctor is sure that there are no problems now," the mother said.

Angela is very grateful for the help of her 63-year-old mother, who rushed from Moldova after learning about the problem. "My mother developed stage four cancer after the operation. "She came to her senses a little and came to our aid." Denis's father is disabled. The man's leg was removed. He works part-time, as much as possible, and is well versed in electricity and plumbing. "Now we are all on my husband's neck. As soon as the accident happened, I had to quit my job immediately. Well, what can we do? Because God is with us. I believe that everything will be fine." According to Angela, many prayed for Denis. The school provides support. On October 12, the boy turned 9 years old, and classmates and teachers cannot watch the congratulatory video without tears. I cannot imagine how much the third-graders suffered from our misfortune, God bless them, my son organized such a holiday for us. I smiled a little because I thought I recognized my classmates and friends," Angela said, adding that after years! she rarely met bad people. I am very grateful to everyone who was there and helped my son and called an ambulance, I really want to talk to them and say thank you, maybe I was just lucky "I want to thank everyone. for their prayers, support and sympathy for my son," she said.

When asked what kind of help she needed, the woman replied that she only had time to buy diapers. Sometimes a one-day pack is not enough. "The pharmacy already knows me. Size 2, adult size. "Dennis used to be strong, but now, of course, he has lost a lot of weight." Neither the family nor the driver's lawyer have contacted the family during this time. "I know that she (the culprit of the accident - ed.) is now in jail, but do not worry. She has a husband, parents and family! How many strangers support us and at the same time remain on the sidelines. Do not call us if you need help, do not try to find out what we are like as children ... just ask for forgiveness. The son is on the verge of life and death, and it seems that nothing happened to them. How can you be so heartless? " the Kaliningrad resident cries.

Source: КлопсКлопс

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