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Latvia Bans Entry to Artemy Lebedev and Valery Ponomarenko

Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže announced a ban on entry for Russian designer Artemy Lebedev and comedian Valery Ponomarenko. She reported this on her page on the social network X (Twitter).

In her publication, Braie stated that she had decided to add these Russian citizens to the list of undesirable persons (persona non grata) and ban them from entering Latvia for an indefinite period, citing the relevant provisions of the Immigration Law. The minister did not disclose the reasons for introducing the restrictions.

It is noteworthy that in September last year, Russian comedian Maria Markova, known for her show “Women’s Stand-Up” on the TNT channel, was banned from entering Latvia. Braže called him a “propagandist for the TNT channel.” In March, Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina said that an “iron curtain” would be formed between Russia and the Baltic states in the future, emphasizing that sanctions prevent Latvia from maintaining its independence from Russian oil and gas.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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